Justin Fackrell
Justin Fackrell
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Speech synthesis using concatenation of speech waveforms
G Coorman, F Deprez, M De Bock, J Fackrell, S Leys, P Rutten, ...
US Patent 6,665,641, 2003
Speech synthesis using concatenation of speech waveforms
G Coorman, F Deprez, M De Bock, J Fackrell, S Leys, P Rutten, ...
US Patent 7,219,060, 2007
The interpretation of the bispectra of vibration signals—: I. Theory
JWA Fackrell, PR White, JK Hammond, RJ Pinnington, AT Parsons
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 9 (3), 257-266, 1995
The interpretation of the bispectra of vibration signals—: II. Experimental results and applications
JWA Fackrell, PR White, JK Hammond, RJ Pinnington, AT Parsons
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 9 (3), 267-274, 1995
Segment selection in the L&H Realspeak laboratory TTS system
G Coorman, J Fackrell, P Rutten, BV Coile
Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000
Bispectral analysis of speech signals
JWA Fackrell
University of Edinburgh. College of Science and Engineering. School of …, 1997
Multilingual prosody modelling using cascades of regression trees and neural networks
JWA Fackrell, H Vereecken, JP Martens, BV Coile
Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999
Practical issues concerning the use of the bicoherence for the detection of quadratic phase coupling
J Fackrell, S McLaughlin, P White
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on HOS, 310-314, 1995
A Statistical Motivated Database Pruning Technique for Unit Selection Synthesis
P Rutten, M Aylett, J Fackrell, P Taylor
7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2002), 2002
Bicoherence Estimation Using the Direct Method Part 1: Theoretical Considerations
JWA Fackrell, S McLaughlin, PR White
Applied Signal Processing 2, 155-168, 1996
The higher-order statistics of speech signals
JWA Fackrell, S McLaughlin
IEE Colloquium on Techniques for speech processing and their application, 7 …, 1994
Automatic prosodic labeling of 6 languages.
H Vereecken, JP Martens, C Grover, J Fackrell, B Van Coile
ICSLP, 1998
Quadratic phase coupling detection using higher order statistics
JWA Fackrell, S McLaughlin
IET Digital Library, 1995
Data driven intonation modelling of 6 languages.
J Buhmann, H Vereecken, J Fackrell, JP Martens, B Van Coile
INTERSPEECH, 179-182, 2000
Corpus-based prosody translation system
J DeMoortel, J Fackrell, P Rutten, B Van Coile
US Patent 7,069,216, 2006
Introducing higher order statistics (HOS) for the detection of nonlinearities
S McLaughlin, A Stogioglou, J Fackrell
UK Nonlinear News 15, 1995
Prosodic variation with text type.
J Fackrell, H Vereecken, J Buhmann, JP Martens, B Van Coile
INTERSPEECH, 231-234, 2000
Designing prosodic databases for automatic modelling in 6 languages
C Grover, J Fackrell, H Vereecken, JP Martens, BV Coile
The Third ESCA/COCOSDA Workshop (ETRW) on Speech Synthesis, 1998
Detecting nonlinearities in speech sounds using the bicoherence
JWA Fackrell, S McLaughlin
Proceedings-Institute of Acoustics 18, 123-130, 1996
The application of interactive speech unit selection in TTS systems.
P Rutten, J Fackrell
INTERSPEECH, 285-288, 2003
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Articles 1–20