Gulzari Malli
Gulzari Malli
Department of Chemistry,Simon Fraser University,8888 University Dr , Burnaby , BC, Canada v5A 1S6
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Universal Gaussian basis set for accurate ab initio /P relat ivistic Dirac-Fock calculations
GL Malli, ABF Da Silva, Y Ishikawa
Physical Review A 47 (1), 143, 1993
Relativistic self‐consistent‐field (RSCF) theory for closed‐shell molecules
G Malli, J Oreg
The Journal of Chemical Physics 63 (2), 830-841, 1975
Validity of first-order perturbation theory for relativistic energy corrections
ER Davidson, Y Ishikawa, GL Malli
Chemical Physics Letters 84 (2), 226-227, 1981
Many-electron systems: Properties and interactions
S Fraga, G Malli, LH Thomas
American Journal of Physics 36 (10), 923-924, 1968
Nuclear magnetic shielding constants calculated from numerical hartree‐fock wave functions
G Malli, C Froese
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1 (S1), 95-98, 1967
Relativistic effects in atoms, molecules, and solids
GL Malli
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Dirac-Fock-Breit self-consistent-field method: Gaussian basis-set calculations on many-electron atoms
Y Ishikawa, HM Quiney, GL Malli
Physical Review A 43 (7), 3270, 1991
Highly accurate relativistic universal Gaussian basis set: Dirac–Fock–Coulomb calculations for atomic systems up to nobelium
GL Malli, ABF Da Silva, Y Ishikawa
The Journal of chemical physics 101 (8), 6829-6833, 1994
Relativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solids
J Paldus, GL Malli
NATO ASI Series B: Physics 318, 207-282, 1994
Relativistic self‐consistent‐field methods for molecules. I. Dirac–Fock multiconfiguration self‐consistent‐field theory for molecules and a single‐determinant Dirac–Fock self …
O Matsuoka, N Suzuki, T Aoyama, G Malli
The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (3), 1320-1328, 1980
Ab initio fully relativistic molecular calculations: bonding in gold hydride
GL Malli, NC Pyper
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1986
Relativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solids
GL Malli
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Ab initio all‐electron Dirac–Fock–Breit calculations for UF6
GL Malli, J Styszynski
The Journal of chemical physics 104 (3), 1012-1017, 1996
Molecular Schrödinger Equation. IX. Square and Rectangular States of H4 and the Molecular Ions H43+ and H42+
H Conroy, G Malli
The Journal of Chemical Physics 50 (12), 5049-5065, 1969
Calculated electronic structure of clusters
R Arratia-Perez, AF Ramos, GL Malli
Physical Review B 39 (5), 3005, 1989
Ab initio all-electron fully relativistic Dirac–Fock–Breit calculations for molecules of the superheavy transactinide elements: Rutherfordium tetrachloride
GL Malli, J Styszynski
The Journal of chemical physics 109 (11), 4448-4455, 1998
Dirac scattered-wave calculations on an icosahedral cluster
AF Ramos, R Arratia-Perez, GL Malli
Physical Review B 35 (8), 3790, 1987
Relativistic molecular symmetry spinors for diatomics
J Oreg, G Malli
The Journal of Chemical Physics 61 (10), 4349-4356, 1974
Relativistic effects in bonding and dipole moments for the diatomic hydrides of the sixth-row heavy elements
AF Ramos, NC Pyper, GL Malli
Physical Review A 38 (6), 2729, 1988
Molecular integrals involving hulthén-type functions (n= l STO) in relativistic quantum chemistry
G Malli
Chemical Physics Letters 78 (3), 578-580, 1981
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Articles 1–20