Michael Philen
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Cited by
Variable stiffness structures utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites
Y Shan, M Philen, A Lotfi, S Li, CE Bakis, CD Rahn, KW Wang
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 20 (4), 443-456, 2009
Nonlinear-elastic finite axisymmetric deformation of flexible matrix composite membranes under internal pressure and axial force
Y Shan, MP Philen, CE Bakis, KW Wang, CD Rahn
Composites Science and Technology 66 (15), 3053-3063, 2006
Fibrillar network adaptive structure with ion-transport actuation
MK Philen, Y Shan, P Prakash, KW Wang, CD Rahn, AL Zydney, ...
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 18 (4), 323-334, 2007
Pressurized artificial muscles
Z Zhang, M Philen
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 23 (3), 255-268, 2012
Progressive damage assessment of centrally notched composite specimens in fatigue
B Aidi, MK Philen, SW Case
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 74, 47-59, 2015
Fatigue life testing of swaged pneumatic artificial muscles as actuators for aerospace applications
BKS Woods, MF Gentry, CS Kothera, NM Wereley
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 23 (3), 327-343, 2012
Variable stiffness adaptive structures utilizing hydraulically pressurized flexible matrix composites with valve control
M Philen, Y Shan, C Bakis, KW Wang, C Rahn
47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2006
A biologically inspired artificial fish using flexible matrix composite actuators: analysis andexperiment
Z Zhang, M Philen, W Neu
Smart Materials and Structures 19 (9), 094017, 2010
Study of flexible fin and compliant joint stiffness on propulsive performance: theory and experiments
AK Kancharala, MK Philen
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 9 (3), 036011, 2014
The mechanoelectrical response of droplet interface bilayer membranes
EC Freeman, JS Najem, S Sukharev, MK Philen, DJ Leo
Soft matter 12 (12), 3021-3031, 2016
Optimal chordwise stiffness profiles of self-propelled flapping fins
AK Kancharala, MK Philen
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 11 (5), 056016, 2016
Guided wave beamsteering using MFC phased arrays for structural health monitoring: analysis and experiment
D Kim, M Philen
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 21 (10), 1011-1024, 2010
Fluidic flexible matrix composites for autonomous structural tailoring
Y Shan, A Lotfi, M Philen, S Li, CE Bakis, CD Rahn, KW Wang
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2007 6525, 354-367, 2007
Investigating the energy harvesting capabilities of a hybrid ZnO nanowires/carbon fiber polymer composite beam
N Masghouni, J Burton, MK Philen, M Al-Haik
Nanotechnology 26 (9), 095401, 2015
Fluidic flexible matrix composites for the tailoring of variable stiffness adaptive structures
M Philen, Y Shan, KW Wang, C Bakis, C Rahn
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2007
CFD-CSD coupled analysis of underwater propulsion using a biomimetic fin-and-joint system
H Chung, S Cao, M Philen, PS Beran, KG Wang
Computers & Fluids 172, 54-66, 2018
Force tracking control of fluidic flexible matrix composite variable stiffness structures
M Philen
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22 (1), 31-43, 2011
Enhanced hydrodynamic performance of flexible fins using macro fiber composite actuators
AK Kancharala, MK Philen
Smart materials and structures 23 (11), 115012, 2014
Evaluation of bending modulus of lipid bilayers using undulation and orientation analysis
AK Chaurasia, AM Rukangu, MK Philen, GD Seidel, EC Freeman
Physical Review E 97 (3), 032421, 2018
Fluidic flexible matrix composites for volume management in prosthetic sockets
M Mercier, C Shirley, S Stafford, S Hitzke, A Byju, C Kevorkian, ...
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 46155, V002T06A015, 2014
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Articles 1–20