Mark Stewart
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Cited by
Very-large-scale motions in rough-bed open-channel flow
SM Cameron, VI Nikora, MT Stewart
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 814, 416-429, 2017
Friction factor decomposition for rough-wall flows: theoretical background and application to open-channel flows
VI Nikora, T Stoesser, SM Cameron, M Stewart, K Papadopoulos, P Ouro, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 872, 626-664, 2019
Interactions between aquatic plants and turbulent flow: a field study using stereoscopic PIV
SM Cameron, VI Nikora, I Albayrak, O Miler, M Stewart, F Siniscalchi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 732, 345-372, 2013
Hydraulic resistance in open-channel flows over self-affine rough beds
MT Stewart, SM Cameron, VI Nikora, A Zampiron, I Marusic
Journal of Hydraulic Research 57 (2), 183-196, 2019
Pressure forces on sediment particles in turbulent open-channel flow: a laboratory study
M Amir, VI Nikora, MT Stewart
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 757, 458-497, 2014
Flow interactions with an aquatic macrophyte: a field study using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry
HJ Biggs, VI Nikora, CN Gibbins, SM Cameron, K Papadopoulos, ...
Journal of Ecohydraulics, 2019
Flow-biota interactions in aquatic systems: scales, mechanisms, and challenges
V Nikora, S Cameron, I Albayrak, O Miler, N Nikora, F Siniscalchi, ...
Environmental fluid mechanics, 217-235, 2012
Spatially-averaged flows over mobile rough beds: equations for the second-order velocity moments
K Papadopoulos, V Nikora, S Cameron, M Stewart, C Gibbins
Journal of Hydraulic research 58 (1), 133-151, 2020
Double-averaged kinetic energy budgets in flows over mobile granular beds: insights from DNS data analysis
K Papadopoulos, V Nikora, B Vowinckel, S Cameron, R Jain, M Stewart, ...
Journal of Hydraulic research 58 (4), 653-672, 2020
Effects of streamwise ridges on hydraulic resistance in open-channel flows
A Zampiron, V Nikora, S Cameron, W Patella, I Valentini, M Stewart
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (1), 06019018, 2020
Flow development in rough-bed open channels: mean velocities, turbulence statistics, velocity spectra, and secondary currents
A Zampiron, SM Cameron, MT Stewart, I Marusic, VI Nikora
Journal of Hydraulic Research 61 (1), 133-144, 2023
Hydraulic resistance of artificial vegetation patches in aligned and staggered configurations
M Savio, D Vettori, H Biggs, A Zampiron, SM Cameron, M Stewart, ...
Journal of Hydraulic Research 61 (2), 220-232, 2023
Turbulence structure of rough-bed open-channel flow
MT Stewart
University of Aberdeen, 2014
Large and very large scale motions in roughbed open-channel flow
S Cameron, V Nikora, M Stewart, A Zampiron
E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Flow development in rough-bed open channels
A Zampiron, S Cameron, M Stewart, V Nikora
39th IAHR World Congress, 2022, 5025-5029, 2022
Time-averaged hydrodynamic equations for mobile-bed conditions
K Papadopoulos, V Nikora, S Cameron, M Stewart, H Biggs, C Gibbins
Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport at Freshwater Aquatic Interfaces: 34th …, 2016
Second-order hydrodynamic equations for flows over mobile boundaries and their applications for solving environmental problems
K Papadopoulos, VI Nikora, SM Cameron, M Stewart, HJ Biggs, ...
36th IAHR World Congress 2015: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream, 2015
High-resolution measurements of swordfish skin surface roughness
M Stewart, S Cameron, M Thunert, A Zampiron, D Wainwright, V Nikora
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 19 (1), 016007, 2023
High resolution measurements of billfish skin roughness
MT Stewart, DK Wainwright, V Nikora, SM Cameron, M Thunert, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 61, E864-E865, 2021
Double-averaged momentum and energy budgets for open-channel flows over self-affine bed roughness
SM Cameron, VI Nikora, MT Stewart
10th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2020, 31-37, 2020
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Articles 1–20