Pavel Bleher
Cited by
Cited by
Semiclassical asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, Riemann-Hilbert problem, and universality in the matrix model
P Bleher, A Its
Annals of Mathematics, 185-266, 1999
On the purity of the limiting Gibbs state for the Ising model on the Bethe lattice
PM Bleher, J Ruiz, VA Zagrebnov
Journal of Statistical Physics 79, 473-482, 1995
Universality and scaling of correlations between zeros on complex manifolds
P Bleher, B Shiffman, S Zelditch
Inventiones mathematicae 142, 351-395, 2000
Random matrices with external source and multiple orthogonal polynomials
PM Bleher, ABJ Kuijlaars
International Mathematics Research Notices 2004 (3), 109-129, 2004
Large n limit of Gaussian random matrices with external source, part II
AI Aptekarev, PM Bleher, ABJ Kuijlaars
Communications in mathematical physics 259 (2), 367-389, 2005
Statistical properties of two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas with infinite horizon
PM Bleher
Journal of Statistical Physics 66, 315-373, 1992
Double scaling limit in the random matrix model: the Riemann‐Hilbert approach
PM Bleher, AR Its
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2003
Large n Limit of Gaussian Random Matrices with External Source, Part I
P Bleher, ABJ Kuijlaars
Communications in mathematical physics 252 (1), 43-76, 2004
Critical indices for Dyson's asymptotically-hierarchical models
PM Bleher, YG Sinai
Communications in Mathematical Physics 45, 247-278, 1975
Large n limit of Gaussian random matrices with external source, part III: double scaling limit
PM Bleher, ABJ Kuijlaars
Communications in mathematical physics 270 (2), 481-517, 2007
On pure phases of the Ising model on the Bethe lattices
PM Bleher, NN Ganikhodzhaev
Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya 35 (2), 220-230, 1990
Existence and positivity of solutions of a fourth‐order nonlinear PDE describing interface fluctuations
PM Bleher, JL Lebowitz, ER Speer
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 47 (7), 923-942, 1994
Distribution of the error term for the number of lattice points inside a shifted circle
PM Bleher, Z Cheng, FJ Dyson, JL Lebowitz
Communications in mathematical physics 154 (3), 433-469, 1993
Random matrix models and their applications
P Bleher, A Its
Cambridge university press, 2001
On the distribution of the number of lattice points inside a family of convex ovals
P Bleher
Exact solution of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions. Disordered phase
PM Bleher, VV Fokin
Communications in mathematical physics 268 (1), 223-284, 2006
Correlations between zeros of a random polynomial
P Bleher, X Di
Journal of Statistical Physics 88, 269-305, 1997
Critical phenomena and universal exponents in statistical physics. On Dyson's hierarchical model
PM Bleher, P Major
The Annals of Probability, 431-477, 1987
Poincaré–Lelong approach to universality and scaling of correlations between zeros
P Bleher, B Shiffman, S Zelditch
Communications in Mathematical Physics 208, 771-785, 2000
Lectures on random matrix models: the Riemann–Hilbert approach
PM Bleher
Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems, 251-349, 2011
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Articles 1–20