Vladimir Eltsov
Vladimir Eltsov
Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland
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Vortex formation in neutron-irradiated superfluid 3He as an analogue of cosmological defect formation
VMH Ruutu, VB Eltsov, AJ Gill, TWB Kibble, M Krusius, YG Makhlin, ...
Nature 382 (6589), 334-336, 1996
Quartz tuning fork: thermometer, pressure-and viscometer for helium liquids
R Blaauwgeers, M Blazkova, M Človečko, VB Eltsov, R de Graaf, J Hosio, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 146, 537-562, 2007
An intrinsic velocity-independent criterion for superfluid turbulence
AP Finne, T Araki, R Blaauwgeers, VB Eltsov, NB Kopnin, M Krusius, ...
Nature 424 (6952), 1022-1025, 2003
Shear flow and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in superfluids
R Blaauwgeers, VB Eltsov, G Eska, AP Finne, RP Haley, M Krusius, ...
Physical review letters 89 (15), 155301, 2002
Observation of a time quasicrystal and its transition to a superfluid time crystal
S Autti, VB Eltsov, GE Volovik
Physical review letters 120 (21), 215301, 2018
Observation of Half-Quantum Vortices in Topological Superfluid
S Autti, VV Dmitriev, JT Mäkinen, AA Soldatov, GE Volovik, AN Yudin, ...
Physical review letters 117 (25), 255301, 2016
Double-quantum vortex in superfluid 3He-A
R Blaauwgeers, VB Eltsov, M Krusius, JJ Ruohio, R Schanen, GE Volovik
Nature 404 (6777), 471-473, 2000
Big bang simulation in superfluid 3He-B--Vortex nucleation in neutron-irradiated superflow
VMH Ruutu, VB Eltsov, AJ Gill, TWB Kibble, M Krusius, YG Makhlin, ...
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9512117, 1995
Dynamics of vortices and interfaces in superfluid 3He
AP Finne, VB Eltsov, R Hänninen, NB Kopnin, J Kopu, M Krusius, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 69 (12), 3157, 2006
Vibrating quartz fork—a tool for cryogenic helium research
M Blažková, M Človečko, VB Eltsov, E Gažo, R de Graaf, JJ Hosio, ...
Journal of low temperature physics 150, 525-535, 2008
Defect formation in quench-cooled superfluid phase transition
VM Ruutu, VB Eltsov, M Krusius, YG Makhlin, B Placais, GE Volovik
Physical review letters 80 (7), 1465, 1998
Quantum turbulence in a propagating superfluid vortex front
VB Eltsov, AI Golov, R de Graaf, R Hänninen, M Krusius, VS L’vov, ...
Physical review letters 99 (26), 265301, 2007
Twisted vortex state
VB Eltsov, AP Finne, R Hänninen, J Kopu, M Krusius, M Tsubota, ...
Physical review letters 96 (21), 215302, 2006
AC Josephson effect between two superfluid time crystals
S Autti, PJ Heikkinen, JT Mäkinen, GE Volovik, VV Zavjalov, VB Eltsov
Nature Materials 20 (2), 171-174, 2021
Half-quantum vortices and walls bounded by strings in the polar-distorted phases of topological superfluid 3He
JT Mäkinen, VV Dmitriev, J Nissinen, J Rysti, GE Volovik, AN Yudin, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 237, 2019
Self-Trapping of Magnon Bose-Einstein Condensates in the Ground State<? format?> and on Excited Levels: From Harmonic to Box Confinement
S Autti, YM Bunkov, VB Eltsov, PJ Heikkinen, JJ Hosio, P Hunger, ...
Physical review letters 108 (14), 145303, 2012
Composite Defect Extends Analogy between Cosmology and
VB Eltsov, TWB Kibble, M Krusius, VMH Ruutu, GE Volovik
Physical Review Letters 85 (22), 4739, 2000
Light Higgs channel of the resonant decay of magnon condensate in superfluid 3He-B
VV Zavjalov, S Autti, VB Eltsov, PJ Heikkinen, GE Volovik
Nature communications 7 (1), 10294, 2016
Turbulent dynamics in rotating helium superfluids
VB Eltsov, R de Graaf, R Hänninen, M Krusius, RE Solntsev, VS L’vov, ...
Progress in Low Temperature Physics 16, 45-146, 2009
Exceeding the Landau speed limit with topological Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces
S Autti, JT Mäkinen, J Rysti, GE Volovik, VV Zavjalov, VB Eltsov
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033013, 2020
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Articles 1–20