Ayana Allen-Handy
Cited by
Cited by
Racial Microaggressions and African American and Hispanic Students in Urban Schools: A Call for Culturally Affirming Education.
A Allen, LM Scott, CW Lewis
Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning 3 (2), 117-129, 2013
Retaining Black teachers: An examination of Black female teachers’ intentions to remain in K-12 classrooms
AA Farinde, A Allen, CW Lewis
Equity & Excellence in Education 49 (1), 115-127, 2016
Mapping Culturally Relevant Pedagogy into Teacher Education Programs: A Critical Framework.
A Allen, SD Hancock, TS Glass, CW Lewis
Teachers College Record 119 (1), n1, 2017
Zero Tolerance, School Shootings, and the Post-Brown Quest for Equity in Discipline Policy: An Examination of How Urban Minorities Are Punished for White …
NP Triplett, A Allen, CW Lewis
The Journal of Negro Education 83 (3), 352-370, 2014
How do children and teachers demonstrate love, kindness and forgiveness? Findings from an early childhood strength-spotting intervention
MJ Haslip, A Allen-Handy, L Donaldson
Early Childhood Education Journal 47 (5), 531-547, 2019
Race, Poverty, and Violence Exposure: A Critical Spatial Analysis of African American Trauma Vulnerability and Educational Outcomes in Charlotte, North Carolina
L Garo, A Allen-Handy, CW Lewis
The Journal of Negro Education 87 (3), 246-269, 2018
Conceptualizing a black female teacher pipeline: From recruitment to retention to retirement
A Farinde-Wu, BR Butler, A Allen-Handy
Theory Into Practice 59 (4), 337-347, 2020
The nature and power of conceptualizations of learning
JP Donaldson, A Allen-Handy
Educational Psychology Review 32 (2), 545-570, 2020
How urban early childhood educators used positive guidance principles and improved teacher-child relationships: a social-emotional learning intervention study
MJ Haslip, A Allen-Handy, L Donaldson
Early Child Development and Care 190 (7), 971-990, 2020
Contradictory Origins and Racializing Legacy of the 1968 Bilingual Education Act: Urban Schooling, Anti-Blackness, and Oakland's 1996 Black English Language Education Resolution
KK Sung, A Allen-Handy
U. Md. LJ Race, Religion, Gender & Class 19, 44, 2019
Dispelling disparities for African American male students: A review of three successful charter school models
LM Scott, A Allen, CW Lewis
Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME) 5 (1), 1-22, 2014
Gleaning hope in a vacillating DACA sociopolitical context: undocumented Latinx students’ systems of support and success in K-16 education
A Allen-Handy, A Farinde-Wu
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 31 (8), 784-799, 2018
Autoethnography as a lighthouse: Illuminating race, research, and the politics of schooling
S Hancock, A Allen, CW Lewis
IAP, 2015
“I'm just different–that's all–I'm so sorry…”: Black men, ASD and the urgent need for discrit theory in police encounters
TM Hutson, EMG Hassrick, S Fernandes, J Walton, K Bouvier-Weinber, ...
Policing: An International Journal, 2022
Urban youth scholars: Cultivating critical global leadership development through youth-led justice-oriented research
A Allen-Handy, SL Thomas-El, KK Sung
The Urban Review 53 (2), 264-294, 2021
Black Girls STEAMing Through Dance: Inspiring STEAM Literacies, STEAM Identities, and Positive Self-Concept
A Allen-Handy, V Ifill, RY Schaar, M Rogers, M Woodard
Challenges and Opportunities for Transforming From STEM to STEAM Education …, 2020
Critical media literacy and Black female identity construction: A conceptual framework for empowerment, equity, and social justice in education
PA Robinson, A Allen-Handy, K Burrell-Craft
Journal of Media Literacy Education 13 (1), 79-91, 2021
Policing Black Femininity: The Hypercriminalization of Black Girls in an Urban School
A Farinde-Wu, BR Butler, A Allen-Handy
Gender and Education, 2022
Be (com) ing Critical Scholars: The Emergence of Urban Youth Scholar Identities Through Research and Critical Civic Praxis
A Allen-Handy, SL Thomas-EL
Urban Education, 0042085918814589, 2018
African American women faculty: Towards a model of coethnic mentorship in the academe
A Allen, BR Butler
Journal of Progressive Policy & Practice 2 (1), 111-122, 2014
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Articles 1–20