William R. Drake
William R. Drake
Jonah Energy LLC
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Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Comondú Group from Bahía de La Paz to Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
WR Drake, PJ Umhoefer, A Griffiths, A Vlad, L Peters, W McIntosh
Tectonophysics 719, 107-134, 2017
A Comparison of Silica Diagenesis in the Devonian Woodford Shale (Central Basin Platform, West Texas) and Cretaceous Mowry Shale (Powder River Basin, Wyoming)
MW Longman, WR Drake, KL Milliken, TM Olson
AAPG Special Volumes, 2019
A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Niobrara Formation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
WR Drake, SJ Hawkins
Search and Discovery 50757, 29, 2012
Structural analysis, stratigraphy, and geochronology of the San José Island accommodation zone, Baja California Sur, Mexico
WR Drake
Northern Arizona University, 2005
The role of silica nanospheres in porosity preservation in the Upper Devonian Woodford shale on the central basin platform, west Texas
WR Drake, MW Longman, J Kostelnik
Proceedings of the RMAG and DWLS Fall Symposium: Geology and Petrophysics of …, 2017
The role of stratigraphic architecture in resource distribution: An example from the Niobrara Formation of the Denver-Julesburg Basin
WR Drake, SJ Hawkins, SG Lapierre
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2465-2474, 2013
Assessment of the Woodford Shale petroleum system within a deep subbasin on the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin
WR Drake, MW Longman, A Moses
AAPG Article, 1-25, 2018
Sequence stratigraphy of the Niobrara Formation: Implications for age-constraining tectonic events and stratigraphic complexities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, United States
WR Drake, SJ Hawkins
AAPG Bulletin 105 (7), 1293-1328, 2021
Spatial variability of fracture-enhanced shale gas production: insights from the Raton Basin, CO
C O’Farrell, S Hawkins, W Drake, H Soetrisno, T Peters
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section meeting …, 2010
Evolution of the Southwestern Midcontinent Basin During the Middle Pennsylvanian: Evidence From Sequence Stratigraphy, Core and XRF in Southeastern Colorado
WR Drake, CJ Pollock, B Henk, JB Anderson, KM Clemons
Proceedings of the AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Denver, CO, USA 31, 2015
Variability in Oil Generation and Migration with Thermal Maturity: Wolfcamp and Spraberry Formations, Northern Midland Basin, Texas
WR Drake, A Bazzell, J Curtis, J Zumberge
SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2019
Silica Diagenesis in the Devonian Woodford Shale (Central Basin Platform, West Texas) and Cretaceous Mowry Shale (Powder River Basin, Wyoming): Controls on Reservoir Quality
T Olson, M Longman, K Milliken, W Drake
Geoconvention Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3, 2018
San José Island Accommodation Zone, Baja California Sur, Mexico: A Key to Onshore-Offshore Fault Relationships along the Western Margin of the Southern Gulf of California
WR Drake, PJ Umhoefer
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2003, T31E-0881, 2003
William R. Drake and Sarah J. Hawkins
WR Drake, J Energy
AAPG Bulletin 105 (7), 1293-1328, 2021
Linking Stratigraphic Architecture and Petroleum System Elements of the Niobrara Formation to Oceanographic and Far-Field Tectonic Events
WR Drake
AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, 2019
The Distal Woodford Shale of the Central Basin Platform (Permian Basin): Learnings from Core Collected from a Frontier Petroleum System
WR Drake, MW Longman
RMAG Permian Basin Symposium & Core Workshop, 25, 2019
The Evolution of Development Strategy in the Midland Basin: Some Lessons for North America’s Stacked Horizontal Oil Plays
WR Drake
Outcrop 68 (8), 14-22, 2019
Regional Mapping of Organic Porosity: Pros and Cons of an Exploration Tool, Permian Basin
WR Drake
Rocky Mountain Section SEPM Luncheon Lecture Series, 2019
Baja California Sur and the Opening of the Gulf of California
WR Drake
Outcrop 66 (12), 44-53, 2017
Framework stratigraphy and chronology of the Comondu Group from Loreto to La Paz, Baja California Sur: regional correlation for use in across-Gulf of California correlations
PJ Umhoefer, WR Drake, A Hosack, A Puchalski, L Peters, W McIntosh
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2006, T41D-1614, 2006
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Articles 1–20