H. Wesley Perkins
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Cited by
Perceiving the Community Norms of Alcohol Use among Students: Some Research Implications for Campus Alcohol Education Programming*
HW Perkins, AD Berkowitz
International journal of the Addictions 21 (9-10), 961-976, 1986
Surveying the damage: a review of research on consequences of alcohol misuse in college populations.
HW Perkins
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, supplement, 91-100, 2002
Social norms and the prevention of alcohol misuse in collegiate contexts.
HW Perkins
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, supplement, 164-172, 2002
Misperceptions of the norms for the frequency of alcohol and other drug use on college campuses
HW Perkins, PW Meilman, JS Leichliter, JR Cashin, CA Presley
Journal of American College Health 47 (6), 253-258, 1999
Engaging men as social justice allies in ending violence against women: Evidence for a social norms approach
PM Fabiano, HW Perkins, A Berkowitz, J Linkenbach, C Stark
Journal of American College Health 52 (3), 105-112, 2003
Misperceiving the college drinking norm and related problems: a nationwide study of exposure to prevention information, perceived norms and student alcohol misuse.
HW Perkins, MP Haines, R Rice
Journal of studies on alcohol 66 (4), 470-478, 2005
The social norms approach to preventing school and college age substance abuse: A handbook for educators, counselors, and clinicians
HW Perkins
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Problem drinking among college students: A review of recent research
AD Berkowitz, HW Perkins
Journal of American College Health 35 (1), 21-28, 1986
Variation in perceived college drinking norms and its impact on alcohol abuse: A nationwide study
HW Perkins, H Wechsler
Journal of Drug Issues 26 (4), 961-974, 1996
Personality characteristics of children of alcoholics.
A Berkowitz, H Perkins
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 56 (2), 206, 1988
Using social norms to reduce bullying: A research intervention among adolescents in five middle schools
HW Perkins, DW Craig, JM Perkins
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 14 (5), 703-722, 2011
College student misperceptions of alcohol and other drug norms among peers: Exploring causes, consequences, and implications for prevention programs
HW Perkins
Designing alcohol and other drug prevention programs in higher education …, 1997
A successful social norms campaign to reduce alcohol misuse among college student-athletes
HW Perkins, DW Craig
Journal of studies on alcohol 67 (6), 880-889, 2006
Effectiveness of social norms media marketing in reducing drinking and driving: A statewide campaign
HW Perkins, JW Linkenbach, MA Lewis, C Neighbors
Addictive behaviors 35 (10), 866-874, 2010
The emergence and evolution of the social norms approach to substance abuse prevention
HW Perkins
The social norms approach to preventing school and college age substance …, 2003
Gender patterns in consequences of collegiate alcohol abuse: a 10-year study of trends in an undergraduate population.
HW Perkins
Journal of studies on alcohol 53 (5), 458-462, 1992
Recent research on gender differences in collegiate alcohol use
AD Berkowitz, HW Perkins
Journal of American College Health 36 (2), 123-129, 1987
Stress-motivated drinking in collegiate and postcollegiate young adulthood: life course and gender patterns.
HW Perkins
Journal of studies on alcohol 60 (2), 219-227, 1999
Religious traditions, parents, and peers as determinants of alcohol and drug use among college students
HW Perkins
Review of Religious Research, 15-31, 1985
Declining negative consequences related to alcohol misuse among students exposed to a social norms marketing intervention on a college campus
J Turner, HW Perkins, J Bauerle
Journal of American college health 57 (1), 85-94, 2008
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