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Current-driven dynamics of chiral ferromagnetic domain walls
S Emori, U Bauer, SM Ahn, E Martinez, GSD Beach
Nature materials 12 (7), 611-616, 2013
A strategy for the design of skyrmion racetrack memories
R Tomasello, E Martinez, R Zivieri, L Torres, M Carpentieri, G Finocchio
Scientific reports 4 (1), 1-7, 2014
Spin Hall torque magnetometry of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls
S Emori, E Martinez, KJ Lee, HW Lee, U Bauer, SM Ahn, P Agrawal, ...
Physical Review B 90 (18), 184427, 2014
Current-driven dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls in the presence of in-plane fields: Full micromagnetic and one-dimensional analysis
E Martinez, S Emori, N Perez, L Torres, GSD Beach
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (21), 2014
Micromagnetic simulations using graphics processing units
L Lopez-Diaz, D Aurelio, L Torres, E Martinez, MA Hernandez-Lopez, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (32), 323001, 2012
Current-driven domain wall motion along high perpendicular anisotropy multilayers: The role of the Rashba field, the spin Hall effect, and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
E Martinez, S Emori, GSD Beach
Applied Physics Letters 103 (7), 2013
Thermal effects in domain wall motion: Micromagnetic simulations and analytical model
E Martinez, L Lopez-Diaz, L Torres, C Tristan, O Alejos
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174409, 2007
Role of B diffusion in the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in nanowires
R Lo Conte, E Martinez, A Hrabec, A Lamperti, T Schulz, L Nasi, ...
Physical Review B 91 (1), 014433, 2015
Performance of synthetic antiferromagnetic racetrack memory: domain wall versus skyrmion
R Tomasello, V Puliafito, E Martinez, A Manchon, M Ricci, M Carpentieri, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (32), 325302, 2017
Switching of a single ferromagnetic layer driven by spin Hall effect
G Finocchio, M Carpentieri, E Martinez, B Azzerboni
Applied Physics Letters 102 (21), 2013
Interaction between propagating spin waves and domain walls on a ferromagnetic nanowire
JS Kim, M Stärk, M Kläui, J Yoon, CY You, L Lopez-Diaz, E Martinez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (17), 174428, 2012
Chiral magnetization textures stabilized by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction during spin-orbit torque switching
N Perez, E Martinez, L Torres, SH Woo, S Emori, GSD Beach
Applied Physics Letters 104 (9), 2014
The stochastic nature of the domain wall motion along high perpendicular anisotropy strips with surface roughness
E Martinez
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (2), 024206, 2011
Nonvolatile ionic modification of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
L Herrera Diez, YT Liu, DA Gilbert, M Belmeguenai, J Vogel, S Pizzini, ...
Physical Review Applied 12 (3), 034005, 2019
Thermal effects on domain wall depinning from a single notch
E Martinez, L Lopez-Diaz, O Alejos, L Torres, C Tristan
Physical review letters 98 (26), 267202, 2007
Micromagnetic computations of spin polarized current-driven magnetization processes
L Torres, L Lopez-Diaz, E Martinez, M Carpentieri, G Finocchio
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 286, 381-385, 2005
Oscillator based on pinned domain walls driven by direct current
E Martinez, L Torres, L Lopez-Diaz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (17), 174444, 2011
Effect of the classical ampere field in micromagnetic computations of spin polarized current-driven magnetization processes
M Carpentieri, G Finocchio, B Azzerboni, L Torres, L Lopez-Diaz, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10), 2005
Universal chiral-triggered magnetization switching in confined nanodots
E Martinez, L Torres, N Perez, MA Hernandez, V Raposo, S Moretti
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10156, 2015
Micromagnetic simulations of nanosecond magnetization reversal processes in magnetic nanopillar
G Finocchio, M Carpentieri, B Azzerboni, L Torres, E Martinez, ...
Journal of applied physics 99 (8), 2006
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