Chirumamilla Pavani
Chirumamilla Pavani
Research Scholar, Kakatiya University
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Cited by
Highly efficient rapid micropropagation and assessment of genetic fidelity of regenerants by ISSR and SCoT markers of Solanum khasianum Clarke
P Chirumamilla, C Gopu, P Jogam, S Taduri
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 144, 397-407, 2021
GC–MS profiling and antibacterial activity of Solanum khasianum leaf and root extracts
P Chirumamilla, SB Dharavath, S Taduri
Bulletin of the National Research Centre 46 (1), 127, 2022
Eco-friendly Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Leaf Extract of Solanum khasianum: Optical Properties and Biological Applications
P Chirumamilla, SB Dharavath, S Taduri
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 195 (1), 353-368, 2023
Green synthesis, characterization, photoluminescence and biological studies of silver nanoparticles from the leaf extract of Muntingia calabura
S Vankudoth, S Dharavath, S Veera, N Maduru, R Chada, P Chirumamilla, ...
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 630, 143-150, 2022
In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles and Leaf Methanolic Extract of Solanum khasianum Clarke
P Chirumamilla, S Vankudoth, SB Dharavath, R Dasari, S Taduri
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological …, 2022
GC-MS analysis of bioactive compounds in the plant parts of methanolic extracts of Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl
C Gopu, P Chirumamilla, SB Daravath, S Vankudoth, S Taduri
J. Med. Plants Stud 9 (3), 209-218, 2021
Assessment of in vitro anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of Solanum khasianum Clarke
P Chirumamilla, S Taduri
Vegetos 36 (2), 575-582, 2023
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Momordica cymbalaria aqueous leaf extracts and screening of their antimicrobial activity: AgNPs studies in …
C Gopu, P Chirumamilla, S Kagithoju, S Taduri
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological …, 2022
Facile green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Corallocarpus epigaeus leaf extract: Structural, photoluminescence and antibacterial properties
S Veera, P Chirumamilla, SB Dharavath, N Maduru, S Taduri
Chemical Data Collections 45, 101032, 2023
Biological activity of green synthesized silver nanoparticles and different plant extracts of Solanum khasianum Clarke
C Pavani, T Shasthree
International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub 3 (4s), 12-17, 2021
Effect of heavy metals on in vitro growth and development of the Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl
G Chaitanya, C Pavani, T Shasthree
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20 (8), 8701-8708, 2023
Gas chromatographic analysis of potentially bioactive compounds in leaf and root extracts of Muntingia calabura and their expected antibacterial activities
S Vankudoth, P Chirumamilla, S Veera, S Taduri
Nat Resour Human Health 2, 1-10, 2022
In vitro antimicrobial activity of leaf, stem fruit and root crude extracts of Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl: a medicinally important cucurbit
G Chaitanya, C Pavani, V Suvarchala, DS Bai, D Ramakrishna, ...
J Pharmacogn Phytochemistry 10 (4), 146-152, 2021
Evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activities of green synthesized silver nanoparticles and in vivo plant extracts of Nothapodytes foetida
SB Dharavath, P Chirumamilla, S Taduri
Vegetos 36 (3), 920-928, 2023
Qualitative screening and Quantitative determination of secondary metabolites from different plant extracts of Solanum khasianum Clarke
P Ch, T Shasthree
Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 26 (12), 113-123, 2022
Rapid in vitro adventitious rooting and proliferation by leaf and nodal cultures of Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl
C Gopu, CS Chakilam, P Chirumamilla, S Vankudoth, S Taduri
J. Appl. Biol. Biotechnol 80, 103-107, 2020
Qualitative and quantitative determination of phytochemical contents of Muntingia calabura
V Suvarchala, C Pavani, DS Bai, T Shasthree
Research Journal of Chemistry and …, 2022
High efficiency in vitro regeneration and genetic stability of Corallocarpus epigaeus-an endangered medicinal plant
S Veera, P Chirumamilla, S Taduri
Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 30 (2), 219-229, 2020
GC-MS fingerprinting and antibacterial activity of in vitro raised plant parts of Solanum khasianum Clarke
P Chirumamilla, SB Dharavath, R Koduri, SR Lade, S Taduri
Vegetos, 1-11, 2023
Plant responses to abiotic stresses: heavy metals—on in vitro nodal propagation of Solanum khasianum Clarke, its morpho-physiological and anatomical studies
P Chirumamilla, S Taduri
Plant Physiology Reports 28 (2), 312-319, 2023
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Articles 1–20