John K. Reed, J. K. Reed, J. Reed, John Reed
John K. Reed, J. K. Reed, J. Reed, John Reed
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
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Neopeltolide, a macrolide from a lithistid sponge of the family Neopeltidae
AE Wright, JC Botelho, E Guzmán, D Harmody, P Linley, PJ McCarthy, ...
Journal of natural products 70 (3), 412-416, 2007
Microcolins A and B, new immunosuppressive peptides from the blue-green alga Lyngbya majuscula
FE Koehn, RE Longley, JK Reed
Journal of Natural Products 55 (5), 613-619, 1992
Deep-water Oculina coral reefs of Florida: biology, impacts, and management
JK Reed
Hydrobiologia 471, 43-55, 2002
Habitat and fauna of deep-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs off the southeastern US: Blake Plateau, Straits of Florida, and Gulf of Mexico
JK Reed, DC Weaver, SA Pomponi
Bulletin of Marine Science 78 (2), 343-375, 2006
Community composition, structure, areal and trophic relationships of decapods associated with shallow-and deep-water Oculina varicosa coral reefs: studies on decapod Crustacea …
JK Reed, RH Gore, LE Scotto, KA Wilson
Bulletin of Marine Science 32 (3), 761-786, 1982
Leiodermatolide, a Potent Antimitotic Macrolide from the Marine Sponge Leiodermatium sp.
I Paterson, SM Dalby, JC Roberts, GJ Naylor, EA Guzmán, R Isbrucker, ...
Angewandte Chemie 123 (14), 3277-3281, 2011
Distribution and structure of deep-water Oculina varicosa coral reefs off central eastern Florida
JK Reed
Bulletin of Marine Science 30 (3), 667-677, 1980
Effects of natural and artificial Thalassia on rates of sedimentation
MN Almasi, CM Hoskin, JK Reed, J Milo
Journal of Sedimentary Research 57 (5), 901-906, 1987
A chemical view of the most ancient metazoa–biomarker chemotaxonomy of hexactinellid sponges
V Thiel, M Blumenberg, J Hefter, T Pape, S Pomponi, J Reed, J Reitner, ...
Naturwissenschaften 89, 60-66, 2002
Comparison of deep-water coral reefs and lithoherms off southeastern USA
JK Reed
Hydrobiologia 471, 57-69, 2002
Molecular evidence for multiple lineages in the gorgonian family Plexauridae (Anthozoa: Octocorallia)
HH Wirshing, CG Messing, CJ Douady, J Reed, MJ Stanhope, MS Shivji
Marine Biology 147, 497-508, 2005
The molluscan community associated with the scleractinian coral Oculina varicosa
JK Reed, PM Mikkelsen
Bulletin of Marine Science 40 (1), 99-131, 1987
Deepest distribution of Atlantic hermatypic corals discovered in the Bahamas
JK Reed
Proc 5th Int Coral Reef Symp 6, 249-254, 1985
Impacts of bottom trawling on a deep-water Oculina coral ecosystem off Florida
JK Reed, CC Koenig, AN Shepard
Bulletin of Marine Science 81 (3), 481-496, 2007
Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef Marine Protected Area: a review of historical and current research
JK Reed, AN Shepard, CC Koenig, KM Scanlon, RG Gilmore
Cold-water Corals and Ecosystems, 443-465, 2005
Variability of cold‐water coral mounds in a high sediment input and tidal current regime, Straits of Florida
TBS CORREA, M Grasmueck, GP Eberli, JK Reed, K Verwer, SAM Purkis
Sedimentology 59 (4), 1278-1304, 2012
In situ growth rates of the scleractinian coral Oculina varicosa occurring with zooxanthellae on 6-m reefs and without on 80-m banks
JK Reed
Proc 4th Int Coral Reef Symp 2, 201-206, 1981
The perfect storm: match-mismatch of bio-physical events drives larval reef fish connectivity between Pulley Ridge mesophotic reef and the Florida Keys
AC Vaz, CB Paris, MJ Olascoaga, VH Kourafalou, H Kang, JK Reed
Continental Shelf Research 125, 136-146, 2016
Deep-water sinkholes and bioherms of south Florida and the Pourtales Terrace—habitat and fauna
JK Reed, SA Pomponi, D Weaver, CK Paull, AE Wright
Bulletin of Marine Science 77 (2), 267-296, 2005
Habitat and F Habitat and Fish Populations in the Deep-Sea opulations in the Deep-Sea Oculina Coral Ecosystem of the al Ecosystem of the al Ecosystem of the Western Atlantic
CC Koenig, AN Shepard, JK Reed, FC Coleman, SD Brooke, J Brusher, ...
American Fisheries Society Symposium 41, 795-805, 2005
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