Benjamin De Cleen
Benjamin De Cleen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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Distinctions and articulations: A discourse theoretical framework for the study of populism and nationalism
B De Cleen, Y Stavrakakis
Javnost-The Public 24 (4), 301-319, 2017
Populism and nationalism
B De Cleen
Bringing discourse theory into media studies: The applicability of discourse theoretical analysis (DTA) for the study of media practises and discourses
N Carpentier, B De Cleen
Journal of language and politics 6 (2), 265-293, 2007
Critical research on populism: Nine rules of engagement
B De Cleen, J Glynos, A Mondon
Organization 25 (5), 649-661, 2018
The potentials and difficulties of transnational populism: The case of the democracy in Europe movement 2025 (DiEM25)
B De Cleen, B Moffitt, P Panayotu, Y Stavrakakis
Political Studies 68 (1), 146-166, 2020
How should we analyze the connections between populism and nationalism: A response to Rogers Brubaker
B De Cleen, Y Stavrakakis
Nations and Nationalism, 2020
Participation and media production: Critical reflections on content creation
N Carpentier, B De Cleen
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009
The populist political logic and the analysis of the discursive construction of ‘the people’and ‘the elite’
B De Cleen
Imagining the Peoples of Europe: Populist discourses across the political …, 2019
Beyond populism studies
B De Cleen, J Glynos
Journal of Language and Politics 20 (1), 178-195, 2021
Constructing the ‘refugee crisis’ in Flanders. Continuities and adaptations of discourses on asylum and migration
B De Cleen, J Zienkowski, K Smets, A Dekie, R Vandevoordt
The migrant crisis: European perspectives and national discourses, 59-78, 2017
Moving discourse theory forward: A five-track proposal for future research
B De Cleen, J Goyvaerts, N Carpentier, J Glynos, Y Stavrakakis
Journal of Language and Politics 20 (1), 22-46, 2021
Communication and Discourse Theory
L Van Brussel, B De Cleen, N Carpentier
Intellect, 2019
The party of the people versus the cultural elite. Populism and nationalism in Flemish radical right rhetoric about artists
B De Cleen
JOMEC Journal 9 (June), 70-91, 2016
Populism, Exclusion, Post-truth. Some Conceptual Caveats: Comment on" The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy"
B De Cleen
International journal of health policy and management 7 (3), 268, 2017
Contesting the populist claim on ‘the people’ through popular culture: The 0110 concerts versus the Vlaams Belang
B De Cleen, N Carpentier
Communication and Discourse Theory. Collected Works of the Brussels …, 2019
Populist Politics and the Politics of 'Populism'
B De Cleen, J Glynos, A Mondon
Populism in Global Perspective: A Performative and Discursive Approach, 2020
Media, anti-populist discourse and the dynamics of the populism debate
J Goyvaerts, B De Cleen
Perspectives on Populism and the Media, 83-108, 2020
Representing ‘the people’. The articulation of nationalism and populism in the rhetoric of the Flemish VB
B De Cleen
l’Extrême droite en Europe. Edited by Jérôme Jamin., 223-242, 2016
“Flemish Friends, Let us Separate!”: The Discursive Struggle for Flemish Nationalist Civil Society in the Media
B De Cleen
Javnost-The Public 22 (1), 37-54, 2015
Populismo y nacionalismo: representando al pueblo como “los de abajo” y como nación
B De Cleen, Y Stavrakakis
Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 53, 97-130, 2019
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Articles 1–20