Stanislav Sobolevsky
Stanislav Sobolevsky
New York University, Center for Urban Science + Progress
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Cited by
Quantifying the benefits of vehicle pooling with shareability networks
P Santi, G Resta, M Szell, S Sobolevsky, SH Strogatz, C Ratti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (37), 13290-13294, 2014
Geo-located Twitter as proxy for global mobility patterns
B Hawelka, I Sitko, E Beinat, S Sobolevsky, P Kazakopoulos, C Ratti
Cartography and geographic information science 41 (3), 260-271, 2014
Redrawing the map of Great Britain from a network of human interactions
C Ratti, S Sobolevsky, F Calabrese, C Andris, J Reades, M Martino, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e14248, 2010
A new insight into land use classification based on aggregated mobile phone data
T Pei, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti, SL Shaw, T Li, C Zhou
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (9), 1988-2007, 2014
Exploring universal patterns in human home-work commuting from mobile phone data
KS Kung, K Greco, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti
PloS one 9 (6), e96180, 2014
Revisiting street intersections using slot-based systems
R Tachet, P Santi, S Sobolevsky, LI Reyes-Castro, E Frazzoli, D Helbing, ...
PloS one 11 (3), e0149607, 2016
An analysis of visitors' behavior in the Louvre Museum: A study using Bluetooth data
Y Yoshimura, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti, F Girardin, JP Carrascal, J Blat, ...
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 41 (6), 1113-1131, 2014
Estimating human trajectories and hotspots through mobile phone data
S Hoteit, S Secci, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti, G Pujolle
Computer Networks 64, 296-307, 2014
General optimization technique for high-quality community detection in complex networks
S Sobolevsky, R Campari, A Belyi, C Ratti
Physical Review E 90 (1), 012811, 2014
Delineating geographical regions with networks of human interactions in an extensive set of countries
S Sobolevsky, M Szell, R Campari, T Couronné, Z Smoreda, C Ratti
PloS one 8 (12), e81707, 2013
Towards a comparative science of cities: Using mobile traffic records in New York, London, and Hong Kong
S Grauwin, S Sobolevsky, S Moritz, I Gódor, C Ratti
Computational approaches for urban environments, 363-387, 2015
The impact of social segregation on human mobility in developing and industrialized regions
A Amini, K Kung, C Kang, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti
EPJ Data Science 3, 1-20, 2014
Exploring human movements in Singapore: a comparative analysis based on mobile phone and taxicab usages
C Kang, S Sobolevsky, Y Liu, C Ratti
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGKDD international workshop on urban computing, 1-8, 2013
Urban magnetism through the lens of geo-tagged photography
S Paldino, I Bojic, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti, MC González
EPJ Data Science 4, 1-17, 2015
Predicting vehicular emissions in high spatial resolution using pervasively measured transportation data and microscopic emissions model
M Nyhan, S Sobolevsky, C Kang, P Robinson, A Corti, M Szell, D Streets, ...
Atmospheric environment 140, 352-363, 2016
Global multi-layer network of human mobility
A Belyi, I Bojic, S Sobolevsky, I Sitko, B Hawelka, L Rudikova, A Kurbatski, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (7), 1381-1402, 2017
Scaling of city attractiveness for foreign visitors through big data of human economical and social media activity
S Sobolevsky, I Bojic, A Belyi, I Sitko, B Hawelka, JM Arias, C Ratti
2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 600-607, 2015
Money on the move: Big data of bank card transactions as the new proxy for human mobility patterns and regional delineation. the case of residents and foreign visitors in spain
S Sobolevsky, I Sitko, RT Des Combes, B Hawelka, JM Arias, C Ratti
2014 IEEE international congress on big data, 136-143, 2014
Choosing the right home location definition method for the given dataset
I Bojic, E Massaro, A Belyi, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti
Social Informatics: 7th International Conference, SocInfo 2015, Beijing …, 2015
Structure of 311 service requests as a signature of urban location
L Wang, C Qian, P Kats, C Kontokosta, S Sobolevsky
PloS one 12 (10), e0186314, 2017
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Articles 1–20