Richard Szeligowski
Richard Szeligowski
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Cited by
Encoding human serine phosphopeptides in bacteria for proteome-wide identification of phosphorylation-dependent interactions
KW Barber, P Muir, RV Szeligowski, S Rogulina, M Gerstein, JR Sampson, ...
Nature biotechnology 36 (7), 638-644, 2018
Fear generalization and behavioral responses to multiple dangers
A Sih, HJ Chung, I Neylan, C Ortiz-Jimenez, O Sakai, R Szeligowski
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38 (4), 369-380, 2023
Road salt compromises functional morphology of larval gills in populations of an amphibian
RV Szeligowski, JA Scanley, CC Broadbridge, SP Brady
Environmental Pollution 292, 118441, 2022
A pilot study for distinguishing chromophobe renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma using second harmonic generation imaging and convolutional neural network analysis of collagen …
N Judd, J Smith, M Jain, S Mukherjee, M Icaza, R Gallagher, ...
Optical Biopsy XVI: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis …, 2018
Salted roads lead to oedema and reduced locomotor function in amphibian populations
SP Brady, D Goedert, LE Frymus, FJ Zamora‐Camacho, PC Smith, ...
Freshwater Biology 67 (7), 1150-1161, 2022
Integrating sensory ecology and predator‐prey theory to understand animal responses to fire
A Michel, JR Johnson, R Szeligowski, EG Ritchie, A Sih
Ecology Letters 26 (7), 1050-1070, 2023
Molecular evolution of IRG1 shapes itaconate production in metazoans and alleviates the “double-edged dilemma” of innate immune defense
RV Szeligowski, F Miros, A Saez, M DeCiucis, GP Wagner, H Shen
bioRxiv, 2022.06. 17.496652, 2022
Phylogenetic analysis guides transporter protein deorphanization: a case study of the SLC25 family of mitochondrial metabolite transporters
KL Byrne, RV Szeligowski, H Shen
Biomolecules 13 (9), 1314, 2023
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Articles 1–8