Clark Hu 胡中州
Clark Hu 胡中州
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
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The concept of smart tourism in the context of tourism information services
Y Li, C Hu, C Huang, L Duan
Tourism management 58, 293-300, 2017
Affect, travel motivation, and travel intention: A senior market
SC Jang, B Bai, C Hu, CME Wu
Journal of hospitality & tourism research 33 (1), 51-73, 2009
The effect of facebook users' arousal and valence on intention to go to the festival
W Lee, L Xiong, C Hu
International Journal of Hospitality Management 31 (3), 819–827, 2012
A social network perspective of tourism research collaborations
P Racherla, C Hu
Annals of Tourism Research 37 (4), 1012-1034, 2010
Visual representation of knowledge networks: A social network analysis of hospitality research domain
C Hu, P Racherla
International journal of hospitality management 27 (2), 302-312, 2008
Analyzing Hotel customers' E-complaints from an internet complaint forum
CC Lee, C Hu
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 17 (2-3), 167-181, 2005
A framework for knowledge-based crisis management in the hospitality and tourism industry
P Racherla, C Hu
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 50 (4), 561-577, 2009
Copper-polyimide wiring technology for VLSI circuits
CK Hu, MB Small, F Kaufman, DJ Pearson
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings VLSI 1990, 369-373, 1990
e-Procurement: an emerging tool for the hotel supply chain management
T Kothari, C Hu, WS Roehl
International Journal of Hospitality Management 24 (3), 369-389, 2005
Text mining a decade of progress in hospitality human resource management research: Identifying emerging thematic development
N Singh, C Hu, WS Roehl
International Journal of Hospitality Management 26 (1), 131-147, 2007
Understanding strategic alignment for destination marketing and the 2004 Athens Olympic Games: Implications from extracted tacit knowledge
N Singh, C Hu
Tourism Management 29 (5), 929-939, 2008
Hybrid conjoint analysis as a research technique to measure meeting planners' preferences in hotel selection
C Hu, SJ Hiemstra
Journal of Travel Research 35 (2), 62-69, 1996
Sub‐μm, planarized, Nb‐AlOx‐Nb Josephson process for 125 mm wafers developed in partnership with Si technology
MB Ketchen, D Pearson, AW Kleinsasser, CK Hu, M Smyth, J Logan, ...
Applied physics letters 59 (20), 2609-2611, 1991
Exploring family roles in purchasing decisions during vacation planning: Review and discussions for future research
D Nanda, C Hu, B Bai
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 20 (3-4), 107-125, 2007
Online travel planning and college students: The spring break experience
B Bai, C Hu, J Elsworth, C Countryman
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 17 (2-3), 79-91, 2005
Brand knowledge and non-financial brand performance in the green restaurants: Mediating effect of brand attitude
KN Liu, C Hu, MC Lin, TI Tsai, Q Xiao
International Journal of Hospitality Management 89, 102566, 2020
eCRM system adoption by hospitality organizations: A technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework
P Racherla, C Hu
Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 17 (1-2), 30-58, 2008
Gaming customer satisfaction: An exploratory study
KJ Mayer, L Johnson, C Hu, S Chen
Journal of Travel Research 37 (2), 178-183, 1998
Examining e-relationship marketing features on hotel websites
B Bai, C Hu, SC Jang
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 21 (2-3), 33-48, 2007
Restaurant revenue management: do perceived capacity scarcity and price differences matter?
CY Heo, S Lee, A Mattila, C Hu
International Journal of Hospitality Management 35, 316-326, 2013
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