Dafna Merom
Dafna Merom
Professor of Public Health, Western Sydney University (WSU)
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Updating the evidence for physical activity: summative reviews of the epidemiological evidence, prevalence, and interventions to promote “active aging”
A Bauman, D Merom, FC Bull, DM Buchner, MA Fiatarone Singh
The gerontologist 56 (Suppl_2), S268-S280, 2016
Stunting and severe stunting among children under-5 years in Nigeria: A multilevel analysis
BJ Akombi, KE Agho, JJ Hall, D Merom, T Astell-Burt, AMN Renzaho
BMC pediatrics 17, 1-16, 2017
Stunting, wasting and underweight in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
BJ Akombi, KE Agho, JJ Hall, N Wali, AMN Renzaho, D Merom
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (8), 863, 2017
Child malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: A meta-analysis of demographic and health surveys (2006-2016)
BJ Akombi, KE Agho, D Merom, AM Renzaho, JJ Hall
PloS one 12 (5), e0177338, 2017
Cross-sectional associations between occupational and leisure-time sitting, physical activity and obesity in working adults
JY Chau, HP van der Ploeg, D Merom, T Chey, AE Bauman
Preventive medicine 54 (3-4), 195-200, 2012
Trends in Australian children traveling to school 1971–2003: burning petrol or carbohydrates?
HP Van der Ploeg, D Merom, G Corpuz, AE Bauman
Preventive medicine 46 (1), 60-62, 2008
Active commuting to school among NSW primary school children: implications for public health
D Merom, C Tudor-Locke, A Bauman, C Rissel
Health & place 12 (4), 678-687, 2006
Walking and cycling in the United States, 2001–2009: evidence from the National Household Travel Surveys
J Pucher, R Buehler, D Merom, A Bauman
American journal of public health 101 (S1), S310-S317, 2011
Promoting walking as an adjunct intervention to group cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders—a pilot group randomized trial
D Merom, P Phongsavan, R Wagner, T Chey, C Marnane, Z Steel, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 22 (6), 959-968, 2008
An environmental intervention to promote walking and cycling—the impact of a newly constructed Rail Trail in Western Sydney
D Merom, A Bauman, P Vita, G Close
Preventive medicine 36 (2), 235-242, 2003
Active travel in Germany and the US: contributions of daily walking and cycling to physical activity
R Buehler, J Pucher, D Merom, A Bauman
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (3), 241-250, 2011
Prevalence and correlates of participation in fall prevention exercise/physical activity by older adults
D Merom, V Pye, R Macniven, H van der Ploeg, A Milat, C Sherrington, ...
Preventive Medicine 55 (6), 613-617, 2012
Time spent playing outdoors after school and its relationship with independent mobility: a cross-sectional survey of children aged 10–12 years in Sydney, Australia
LM Wen, J Kite, D Merom, C Rissel
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 6, 15, 2009
Multilevel analysis of factors associated with wasting and underweight among children under-five years in Nigeria
BJ Akombi, KE Agho, D Merom, JJ Hall, AM Renzaho
Nutrients 9 (1), 44, 2017
Advances in population surveillance for physical activity and sedentary behavior: reliability and validity of time use surveys
HP Van Der Ploeg, D Merom, JY Chau, M Bittman, SG Trost, AE Bauman
American journal of epidemiology 172 (10), 1199-1206, 2010
Factors associated with children being driven to school: implications for walk to school programs
LM Wen, D Fry, C Rissel, H Dirkis, A Balafas, D Merom
Health education research 23 (2), 325-334, 2008
Driving: a road to unhealthy lifestyles and poor health outcomes
D Ding, K Gebel, P Phongsavan, AE Bauman, D Merom
PloS one 9 (6), e94602, 2014
Social dancing and incidence of falls in older adults: a cluster randomised controlled trial
D Merom, E Mathieu, E Cerin, RL Morton, JM Simpson, C Rissel, ...
PLoS medicine 13 (8), e1002112, 2016
Cognitive benefits of social dancing and walking in old age: the dancing mind randomized controlled trial
D Merom, A Grunseit, R Eramudugolla, B Jefferis, J Mcneill, KJ Anstey
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 8, 177881, 2016
Recreational facilities and leisure-time physical activity: An analysis of moderators and self-efficacy as a mediator.
E Cerin, C Vandelanotte, E Leslie, D Merom
Health Psychology 27 (2S), S126, 2008
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Articles 1–20