Justin Madsen
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Cited by
A physics-based vehicle/terrain interaction model for soft soil off-road vehicle simulations
J Madsen, D Negrut, A Reid, A Seidl, P Ayers, G Bozdech, J Freeman, ...
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 5 (2012-01-0767), 280-290, 2012
Methods for tracked vehicle system modeling and simulation
J Madsen, T Heyn, D Negrut
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2010
Penalty versus complementarity-based frictional contact of rigid bodies: A CPU time comparison
J Madsen, N Pechdimaljian, D Negrut
Technical Report TR-2007-05, Simulation-Based Engineering Lab, University of …, 2007
A Gaussian process-based approach for handling uncertainty in vehicle dynamics simulation
K Schmitt, J Madsen, M Anitescu, D Negrut
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 48722, 617-628, 2008
Validation of a single contact point tire model based on the transient pacejka model in the open-source dynamics software chrono
J Madsen
Technical ℝeport Tℝ-2014-16, Simulation-Based Engineering Laboratory …, 2014
High fidelity modeling and simulation of tracked elements for off-road applications using MSC
J Madsen
ADAMS: Technical Report TR-2007-02, Simulation-Based Engineering Laboratory …, 2007
Mobility prediction of multi-body vehicle dynamics handling simulations on deformable terrain
JC Madsen
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
Off-road vehicle dynamics mobility simulation with a compaction based deformable terrain model
J Madsen, A Seidl, D Negrut
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2013
GPU-based high performance parallel simulation of tracked vehicle operating on granular terrain
J Madsen, D Lamb, T Heyn, D Negrut
SAE Technical Paper, 2010
A Stochastic Framework for Ground Vehicle Simulation
J Madsen
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2009
A stochastic approach to integrated vehicle reliability prediction
J Madsen, D Ghiocel, D Gorsich, D Lamb, D Negrut
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2009
A Gaussian Process Based Approach for Handling Uncertainty in Vehicle Dynamics Simulations-IMECE2008-66664
K Schmitt, J Madsen, M Anitescu, D Negrut
2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2008
High fidelity modeling and simulation of tracked elements for off-road applications using MSC/ADAMS
J Madsen
System, 1-20, 2007
Compaction-based deformable terrain model as an interface for real-time vehicle dynamics simulations
J Madsen, A Seidl, D Negrut
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Using a granular dynamics code to investigate the performance of a helical anchoring system design
H Mazhar, M Quadrelli, T Heyn, J Madsen, D Negrut
Earth and Space 2012: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in …, 2012
Penalty versus complementary-based frictional contact of rigid spheres: a cpu time comparison
J Madsen, N Pechdimaljian, D Negrut
Simulation-Based Eng. Lab, 2007
Chrono: A parallel physics library for rigid-body, flexible-body, and fluid dynamics
T Heyn, H Mazhar, A Pazouki, D Melanz, A Seidl, J Madsen, ...
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2013
A physics-based terrain model for off-road vehicle simulations
J Madsen, P Ayers, A Reid, A Seidl, G Bozdech, J O’Kins, D Negrut
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2012
GPU-based parallel collision detection for granular flow dynamics
T Heyn, H Mazhar, J Madsen, A Tasora, D Negrut
Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2009, 1-24, 2009
Validation of a Single Contact Point Tire Model Based on the Transient Pacejka Model in the Open-Source Dynamics Software ProjectChrono
J Madsen
November, 2014
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Articles 1–20