Aleksey Dolgushev
Aleksey Dolgushev
PhD at Novosibirsk State University
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Cited by
An approximation algorithm for solving a problem of cluster analysis
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel’Manov
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 5, 551-558, 2011
On the algorithmic complexity of a problem in cluster analysis
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel’Manov
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 5, 191-194, 2011
Polynomial-time approximation scheme for a problem of partitioning a finite set into two clusters
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel’Manov, VV Shenmaier
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 295, 47-56, 2016
An approximation algorithm for one problem of cluster analysis
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel'manov
Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii 18 (2), 29-40, 2011
Polynomial-time approximation scheme for a problem of partitioning a finite set into two clusters
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel'manov, VV Shenmaier
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN 21 (3), 100-109, 2015
A polynomial approximation scheme for a problem of cluster analysis
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel’manov, VV Shenmaier
Doklady 9, 16-22, 2012
On the issue of algorithmic complexity of one cluster analysis problem
AV Dolgushev, AV Kel'manov
Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii 17 (2), 39-45, 2010
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN
AB Kurzhanskii, AS Bannikov, NN Petrov, MI Gusev, SM Aseev, VM Veliov, ...
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Articles 1–8