Lo Shun Qiang
Lo Shun Qiang
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Cited by
Enhanced autophagy from chronic toxicity of iron and mutant A53T α-synuclein implications for neuronal cell death in Parkinson disease
KCM Chew, ET Ang, YK Tai, F Tsang, SQ Lo, E Ong, WY Ong, HM Shen, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (38), 33380-33389, 2011
Neurodegenerative diseases: exercising toward neurogenesis and neuroregeneration
ET Ang, YK Tai, SQ Lo, R Seet, TW Soong
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2, 2010
Next-generation transgenic mice for optogenetic analysis of neural circuits
B Asrican, GJ Augustine, K Berglund, S Chen, N Chow, K Deisseroth, ...
Frontiers in neural circuits 7, 2013
S-nitrosylation of divalent metal transporter 1 enhances iron uptake to mediate loss of dopaminergic neurons and motoric deficit
C Liu, CW Zhang, SQ Lo, ST Ang, KCM Chew, D Yu, BH Chai, B Tan, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (39), 8364-8377, 2018
Defining a critical period for inhibitory circuits within the somatosensory cortex
SQ Lo, JCG Sng, GJ Augustine
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7271, 2017
Re-visiting phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships in the genus Saga (Insecta: Orthoptera)
B Kolics, Z Ács, DP Chobanov, KM Orci, LS Qiang, B Kovács, ...
PloS one 7 (8), e42229, 2012
Re-visiting phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships in the genus Saga (Insecta: Orthoptera)
B Kolics, Z Ács, DP Chobanov, KM Orci, LS Qiang, B Kovács, ...
PloS one 7 (8), e42229, 2012
All-optical mapping of barrel cortex circuits based on simultaneous voltage-sensitive dye imaging and channelrhodopsin-mediated photostimulation
SQ Lo, DXP Koh, JCG Sng, GJ Augustine
Neurophotonics 2 (2), 021013, 2015
All-optical mapping of barrel cortex circuits based on simultaneous voltage-sensitive dye imaging and channelrhodopsin-mediated photostimulation
SQ Lo, DXP Koh, JCG Sng, GJ Augustine
Neurophotonics 2 (2), 021013, 2015
High-speed optogenetic circuit mapping
GJ Augustine, S Chen, H Gill, M Katarya, J Kim, J Kudolo, LM Lee, H Lee, ...
Optogenetics: Optical Methods for Cellular Control 8586, 858603, 2013
Optogenetic mapping of brain circuitry
GJ Augustine, K Berglund, H Gill, C Hoffmann, M Katarya, J Kim, J Kudolo, ...
Proc. of SPIE 8548, 85483Y-1-5, 2012
Pioneers in Neurophotonics: Special Section Honoring Professor Lawrence B. Cohen: All-optical mapping of barrel cortex circuits based on simultaneous voltage-sensitive dye …
SQ Lo, DXP Koh, JCG Sng, GJ Augustine
Neurophotonics 2 (2), 2015
analysis of neural circuits
K Deisseroth, G Feng, B Gloss, R Hira, C Hoffmann, H Kasai, M Katarya, ...
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