Lan-Ying Lee
Lan-Ying Lee
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Tape-Arabidopsis Sandwich - a simpler Arabidopsis protoplast isolation method
FH Wu, SC Shen, LY Lee, SH Lee, MT Chan, CS Lin
Plant methods 5, 1-10, 2009
Subcellular localization of interacting proteins by bimolecular fluorescence complementation in planta
V Citovsky, LY Lee, S Vyas, E Glick, MH Chen, A Vainstein, Y Gafni, ...
Journal of molecular biology 362 (5), 1120-1131, 2006
T-DNA binary vectors and systems
LY Lee, SB Gelvin
Plant physiology 146 (2), 325-332, 2008
Application of protoplast technology to CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis: from single‐cell mutation detection to mutant plant regeneration
CS Lin, CT Hsu, LH Yang, LY Lee, JY Fu, QW Cheng, FH Wu, HCW Hsiao, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 16 (7), 1295-1310, 2018
Vectors for multi-color bimolecular fluorescence complementation to investigate protein-protein interactions in living plant cells
LY Lee, MJ Fang, LY Kuang, SB Gelvin
Plant Methods 4, 1-11, 2008
Characterization of the Arabidopsis Lysine-Rich Arabinogalactan-Protein AtAGP17 Mutant (rat1) That Results in a Decreased Efficiency of Agrobacterium …
YM Gaspar, J Nam, CJ Schultz, LY Lee, PR Gilson, SB Gelvin, A Bacic
Plant Physiology 135 (4), 2162-2171, 2004
Identification of Arabidopsis rat Mutants
Y Zhu, J Nam, JM Humara, KS Mysore, LY Lee, H Cao, L Valentine, J Li, ...
Plant physiology 132 (2), 494-505, 2003
IMPa-4, an Arabidopsis Importin α Isoform, Is Preferentially Involved in Agrobacterium-Mediated Plant Transformation
S Bhattacharjee, LY Lee, H Oltmanns, H Cao, null Veena, J Cuperus, ...
The Plant Cell 20 (10), 2661-2680, 2008
The Arabidopsis AtLIG4 gene is required for the repair of DNA damage, but not for the integration of Agrobacterium T‐DNA
H van Attikum, P Bundock, RM Overmeer, LY Lee, SB Gelvin, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (14), 4247-4255, 2003
Generation of Backbone-Free, Low Transgene Copy Plants by Launching T-DNA from the Agrobacterium Chromosome
H Oltmanns, B Frame, LY Lee, S Johnson, B Li, K Wang, SB Gelvin
Plant physiology 152 (3), 1158-1166, 2010
Novel plant transformation vectors containing the superpromoter
LY Lee, ME Kononov, B Bassuner, BR Frame, K Wang, SB Gelvin
Plant Physiology 145 (4), 1294-1300, 2007
Overexpression of Several Arabidopsis Histone Genes Increases Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation and Transgene Expression in Plants
GN Tenea, J Spantzel, LY Lee, Y Zhu, K Lin, SJ Johnson, SB Gelvin
The Plant Cell 21 (10), 3350-3367, 2009
Antirestriction protein Ard (Type C) encoded by IncW plasmid pSa has a high similarity to the “protein transport” domain of TraC1 primase of promiscuous plasmid RP4
AA Belogurov, EP Delver, OV Agafonova, NG Belogurova, LY Lee, ...
Journal of molecular biology 296 (4), 969-977, 2000
Screening a cDNA library for protein–protein interactions directly in planta
LY Lee, FH Wu, CT Hsu, SC Shen, HY Yeh, DC Liao, MJ Fang, NT Liu, ...
The Plant Cell 24 (5), 1746-1759, 2012
Agrobacterium T‐DNA integration into the plant genome can occur without the activity of key non‐homologous end‐joining proteins
SY Park, Z Vaghchhipawala, B Vasudevan, LY Lee, Y Shen, K Singer, ...
The plant journal 81 (6), 934-946, 2015
Is VIP1 important for Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation?
Y Shi, LY Lee, SB Gelvin
The Plant Journal 79 (5), 848-860, 2014
pSa Causes Oncogenic Suppression ofAgrobacterium by Inhibiting VirE2 Protein Export
LY Lee, SB Gelvin, CI Kado
Journal of bacteriology 181 (1), 186-196, 1999
Cytokinins secreted by Agrobacterium promote transformation by repressing a plant myb transcription factor
N Sardesai, LY Lee, H Chen, HC Yi, GR Olbricht, A Stirnberg, J Jeffries, ...
Science signaling 6 (302), ra100-ra100, 2013
Somaclonal variation does not preclude the use of rice transformants for genetic screening
FJ Wei, LY Kuang, HM Oung, SY Cheng, HP Wu, LT Huang, YT Tseng, ...
The Plant Journal 85 (5), 648-659, 2016
Agrobacterium T‐DNA integration in somatic cells does not require the activity of DNA polymerase θ
A Nishizawa‐Yokoi, H Saika, N Hara, LY Lee, S Toki, SB Gelvin
New Phytologist 229 (5), 2859-2872, 2021
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Articles 1–20