Michał Gorawski
Michał Gorawski
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Review of mobility models for performance evaluation of wireless networks
M Gorawski, K Grochla
Man-Machine Interactions 3, 567-577, 2014
Energy-efficient crowdsensing of human mobility and signal levels in cellular networks
P Foremski, M Gorawski, K Grochla, K Polys
Sensors 15 (9), 22060-22088, 2015
Balanced Spatio-Temporal Data Warehouse with R-MVB, STCAT and BITMAP Indexes.
M Gorawski, M Gorawski
Fifth International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical …, 2006
Collecting data streams from a distributed radio-based measurement system
M Gorawski, P Marks, M Gorawski
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 13th International Conference …, 2008
Modified R-MVB tree and BTV algorithm used in a distributed spatio-temporal data warehouse
M Gorawski, M Gorawski
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 7th International Conference …, 2008
The real-life mobility model: RLMM
M Gorawski, K Grochla
Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication …, 2013
Performance tests of smart city IoT data repositories for universal linear infrastructure data and graph databases
M Gorawski, K Grochla
SN Computer Science 1 (1), 31, 2020
Neural networks in petrol station objects calibration
M Gorawski, M Skrzewski, M Gorawski, A Gorawska
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: ICA3PP International …, 2015
Exploration of continuous sequential patterns using the CPGrowth algorithm
M Gorawski, P Jureczek, M Gorawski
Advances in Multimedia and Network Information System Technologies, 165-172, 2010
Selection of structures with grid optimization, in multiagent data warehouse
M Gorawski, S Bańkowski, M Gorawski
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2010: 11th …, 2010
Energy minimization algorithm for estimation of clock skew and reception window selection in wireless networks
M Gorawski, K Grochla, R Marjasz, A Frankiewicz
Sensors 21 (5), 1768, 2021
Source model of TCP traffic in LTE networks
P Foremski, M Gorawski, K Grochla
Information Sciences and Systems 2014: Proceedings of the 29th International …, 2014
Selection of Indexing Structures in Grid Data Warehouses with Software Agents.
M Gorawski, M Gorawski, S Bankowski
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Appl. 4 (1), 39-52, 2007
The stream data warehouse: Page replacement algorithms and quality of service metrics
M Gorawski, K Pasterak, A Gorawska
Future Generation Computer Systems 142, 212-227, 2023
Graph representation of linear infrastructure in Smart City IoT Systems
M Gorawski, K Grochla
2019 11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2019
Use of grammars and machine learning in ETL systems that control load balancing process
M Gorawski, M Gorawski, S Dyduch
2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2013
The software agents in a database grid
M Gorawski, S Bańkowski, M Gorawski
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on ISSN 1896, 7094, 2006
New trends in mobility modelling and handover prediction
F Barcelo-Arroyo, M Gorawski, K Grochla, I Martín-Escalona, K Połys, ...
Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Protocols, Architectures, Tools …, 2014
The use of a Cloud Computing and the CUDA architecture in zero-latency Data Warehouses
M Gorawski, D Lis, M Gorawski
Computer Networks: 20th International Conference, CN 2013, Lwówek Śląski …, 2013
Narzędzia informatyczne związane z gromadzeniem dużej liczby danych, ich analizą w trybie on-line
M Gorawski, MJ Gorawski
Inteligentny system zarządzania transportem publicznym. Zespół Automatyki w …, 2008
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Articles 1–20