Laura Seligman
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Cited by
Comorbidity of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents: An integrative review
LD Seligman, TH Ollendick
Clinical child and family psychology review 1, 125-144, 1998
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in youth
LD Seligman, TH Ollendick
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics 20 (2), 217-238, 2011
Comorbidity as a predictor and moderator of treatment outcome in youth with anxiety, affective, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional/conduct disorders.
TH Ollendick, A Jarrett, Matthew, AE Grills-Taquechel, LD Hovey, JC Wolff
Clinical Psychology Review 28 (8), 1447-1471, 2008
Dental anxiety: An understudied problem in youth
LD Seligman, JD Hovey, K Chacon, TH Ollendick
Clinical psychology review 55, 25-40, 2017
Evaluating short-form versions of the CES-D for measuring depressive symptoms among immigrants from Mexico
JG Grzywacz, JD Hovey, LD Seligman, TA Arcury, SA Quandt
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences 28 (3), 404-424, 2006
The utility of measures of child and adolescent anxiety: A meta-analytic review of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children …
LD Seligman, TH Ollendick, AK Langley, HB Baldacci
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33 (3), 557-565, 2004
Tics and problem behaviors in schoolchildren: prevalence, characterization, and associations
LA Snider, LD Seligman, BR Ketchen, SJ Levitt, LR Bates, MA Garvey, ...
Pediatrics 110 (2), 331-336, 2002
The influences of cultural values, ethnic identity, and language use on the mental health of Korean American college students
JD Hovey, SE Kim, LD Seligman
The Journal of Psychology 140 (5), 499-511, 2006
Religion-based emotional social support mediates the relationship between intrinsic religiosity and mental health
JD Hovey, G Hurtado, LRA Morales, LD Seligman
Archives of suicide research 18 (4), 376-391, 2014
Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents: A factor-analytic examination of the tripartite model
TH Ollendick, LD Seligman, AB Goza, DA Byrd, K Singh
Journal of Child and Family Studies 12, 157-170, 2003
Underlying dimensions of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder symptoms
TL Biehn, JD Elhai, LD Seligman, M Tamburrino, C Armour, D Forbes
Psychological Injury and Law 6, 290-298, 2013
Correlates of separation anxiety symptoms among first-semester college students: An exploratory study
LD Seligman, LA Wuyek
The Journal of psychology 141 (2), 135-145, 2007
Dispositional optimism, goals, and engagement in health treatment programs
AL Geers, JA Wellman, LD Seligman, LA Wuyek, LA Neff
Journal of behavioral medicine 33, 123-134, 2010
The mental health of agricultural workers
JD Hovey, LD Seligman
Agricultural medicine: A practical guide, 282-299, 2006
Does anxiety mitigate the behavioral expression of severe conduct disorder in delinquent youths?
TH Ollendick, LD Seligman, AT Butcher
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 13 (6), 565-574, 1999
Findings for a CBT support group for Latina migrant farmworkers in Western Colorado
JD Hovey, G Hurtado, LD Seligman
Current Psychology 33, 271-281, 2014
PTSD factor structure differences between veterans with and without a PTSD diagnosis
TL Biehn, JD Elhai, TH Fine, LD Seligman, JD Richardson
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 26 (3), 480-485, 2012
The effects of inaccurate expectations on experiences with psychotherapy
LD Seligman, LA Wuyek, AL Geers, JD Hovey, RL Motley
Cognitive therapy and research 33, 139-149, 2009
Using theatrical presentations as a means of disseminating knowledge of HIV/AIDS risk factors to migrant farmworkers: an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Infórmate program
JD Hovey, V Booker, LD Seligman
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 9, 147-156, 2007
Perceived competence and depressive symptoms among adolescents: The moderating role of attributional style
J Kim-Spoon, TH Ollendick, LD Seligman
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 43, 612-630, 2012
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Articles 1–20