Gabriel B. Goodwin
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Cited by
Effect of decreasing blockage ratio on DDT in small channels with obstacles
GB Goodwin, RW Houim, ES Oran
Combustion and Flame 173, 16-26, 2016
Stabilized detonation for hypersonic propulsion
DA Rosato, M Thornton, J Sosa, C Bachman, GB Goodwin, KA Ahmed
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 118 (20), e2102244118, 2021
Shock transition to detonation in channels with obstacles
GB Goodwin, RW Houim, ES Oran
Proceedings of the combustion institute 36 (2), 2717-2724, 2017
Ignition criteria and the effect of boundary layers on wedge-stabilized oblique detonation waves
CL Bachman, GB Goodwin
Combustion and Flame 223, 271-283, 2021
Premixed flame stability and transition to detonation in a supersonic combustor
GB Goodwin, ES Oran
Combustion and Flame 197, 145-160, 2018
Mach five to ten morphing waverider: control point study
AA Phoenix, RE Rogers, JR Maxwell, GB Goodwin
Journal of Aircraft 56 (2), 493-504, 2019
Evaluation of droplet aerodynamic breakup models in supersonic and hypersonic flows
A Hess, DA Kessler, RF Johnson, C Aguilera, J Sosa, GB Goodwin
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0751, 2021
Morphing high-temperature surfaces for shapeable hypersonic waverider vehicles
AA Phoenix, JR Maxwell, GB Goodwin
Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems 58264, V002T03A012, 2017
Controlled detonation initiation in hypersonic flow
J Sosa, DA Rosato, GB Goodwin, CL Bachman, ES Oran, KA Ahmed
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (3), 3513-3520, 2021
Numerical investigation of turbulent flame-vortex interaction in premixed cavity stabilized flames
CJ Rising, GB Goodwin, RF Johnson, DA Kessler, J Sosa, M Thornton, ...
Aerospace Science and Technology 129, 107805, 2022
Premixed ethylene-air combustion in a dual-mode scramjet cavity combustor with a turbulent inflow
GB Goodwin, RF Johnson, D Kessler, HK Chelliah
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 4270, 2019
Performance analysis of a hypersonic scramjet engine with a morphable waverider inlet
GB Goodwin, JR Maxwell
53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 4651, 2017
Shapeable inlet manifold for hypersonic scramjet
JR Maxwell, GB Goodwin
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1385, 2017
Flow Quality Numerical Characterization for Cold Adjustable Supersonic Wind Tunnel
JR Maxwell, GB Goodwin
33rd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 4318, 2017
Analysis of Flame Structures in a Model Solid Fuel Ramjet Combustor with Increasing Reynold's Number
RD DeBoskey, DA Kessler, TK Patel, BT Bojko, R Johnson, GB Goodwin, ...
AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2595, 2024
Synthetic freestream turbulence generation at an inflow boundary condition
GB Goodwin, CL Bachman, RF Johnson, DA Kessler
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 1846, 2021
Wedge-stabilized oblique detonation waves in a hypersonic hydrogen-air premixed freestream
CL Bachman, GB Goodwin, K Ahmed
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 4044, 2019
Discontinuous-Galerkin simulations of premixed ethylene-air combustion in a cavity combustor
RF Johnson, GB Goodwin, AT Corrigan, A Kercher, HK Chelliah
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1444, 2019
Mean pressure gradient effects on the performance of ramjet cavity stabilized flames
AJ Morales, DM Smerina, MR Thornton, CJ Rising, J Sosa, RF Johnson, ...
Aerospace Science and Technology 141, 108533, 2023
The Influence of Chemical Reaction Models on Combustion Dynamics in an Opposed-Flow Solid Fuel Burner
RD DeBoskey, DA Kessler, BT Bojko, RF Johnson, GB Goodwin
AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 0161, 2023
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