Wenjing Liao
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Cited by
MUSIC for single-snapshot spectral estimation: Stability and super-resolution
W Liao, A Fannjiang
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 40 (1), 33-67, 2016
Coherence pattern–guided compressive sensing with unresolved grids
A Fannjiang, W Liao
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 5 (1), 179-202, 2012
Efficient approximation of deep relu networks for functions on low dimensional manifolds
M Chen, H Jiang, W Liao, T Zhao
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Super-resolution limit of the ESPRIT algorithm
W Li, W Liao, A Fannjiang
IEEE transactions on information theory 66 (7), 4593-4608, 2020
Nonparametric regression on low-dimensional manifolds using deep ReLU networks: Function approximation and statistical recovery
M Chen, H Jiang, W Liao, T Zhao
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 11 (4), 1203-1253, 2022
Stable super-resolution limit and smallest singular value of restricted Fourier matrices
W Li, W Liao
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 51, 118-156, 2021
MUSIC for multidimensional spectral estimation: Stability and super-resolution
W Liao
IEEE transactions on signal processing 63 (23), 6395-6406, 2015
Phase retrieval with random phase illumination
A Fannjiang, W Liao
JOSA A 29 (9), 1847-1859, 2012
Ident: Identifying differential equations with numerical time evolution
SH Kang, W Liao, Y Liu
Journal of Scientific Computing 87, 1-27, 2021
Statistical guarantees of generative adversarial networks for distribution estimation
M Chen, W Liao, H Zha, T Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03938 9, 2020
Besov function approximation and binary classification on low-dimensional manifolds using convolutional residual networks
H Liu, M Chen, T Zhao, W Liao
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6770-6780, 2021
Super-resolution by compressive sensing algorithms
A Fannjiang, W Liao
2012 conference record of the forty sixth asilomar conference on signals …, 2012
Stability and super-resolution of MUSIC and ESPRIT for multi-snapshot spectral estimation
W Li, Z Zhu, W Gao, W Liao
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 4555-4570, 2022
Deep nonparametric estimation of operators between infinite dimensional spaces
H Liu, H Yang, M Chen, T Zhao, W Liao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00217, 2022
Sensor calibration for off-the-grid spectral estimation
YC Eldar, W Liao, S Tang
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 48 (2), 570-598, 2020
Fourier phasing with phase-uncertain mask
A Fannjiang, W Liao
Inverse Problems 29 (12), 125001, 2013
An automatic denoising method for NMR spectroscopy based on low-rank Hankel model
T Qiu, W Liao, Y Huang, J Wu, D Guo, D Liu, X Wang, JF Cai, B Hu, X Qu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-12, 2021
Mismatch and resolution in compressive imaging
A Fannjiang, W Liao
Wavelets and Sparsity XIV 8138, 239-247, 2011
Benefits of overparameterized convolutional residual networks: Function approximation under smoothness constraint
H Liu, M Chen, S Er, W Liao, T Zhang, T Zhao
International Conference on Machine Learning, 13669-13703, 2022
Distribution approximation and statistical estimation guarantees of generative adversarial networks
M Chen, W Liao, H Zha, T Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03938, 2020
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Articles 1–20