Özer ÇINAR, Prof., P.E.
Özer ÇINAR, Prof., P.E.
Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
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Cited by
Comparison of artificial neural network and regression pedotransfer functions for prediction of soil water retention and saturated hydraulic conductivity
H Merdun, Ö Çınar, R Meral, M Apan
Soil and Tillage Research 90 (1-2), 108-116, 2006
Simultaneous heterotrophic and sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification process for drinking water treatment: control of sulfate production
E Sahinkaya, N Dursun, A Kilic, S Demirel, S Uyanik, O Cinar
Water research 45 (20), 6661-6667, 2011
Stripping/flocculation/membrane bioreactor/reverse osmosis treatment of municipal landfill leachate
H Hasar, SA Unsal, U Ipek, S Karatas, O Cınar, C Yaman, C Kınacı
Journal of Hazardous Materials 171 (1-3), 309-317, 2009
Performances of anaerobic and aerobic membrane bioreactors for the treatment of synthetic textile wastewater
A Yurtsever, E Sahinkaya, Ö Aktaş, D Uçar, Ö Çınar, Z Wang
Bioresource Technology 192, 564-573, 2015
Effect of cycle time on biodegradation of azo dye in sequencing batch reactor
Ö Çınar, S Yaşar, M Kertmen, K Demiröz, NÖ Yigit, M Kitis
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 86 (6), 455-460, 2008
Treatment of azo dye-containing synthetic textile dye effluent using sulfidogenic anaerobic baffled reactor
S Ozdemir, K Cirik, D Akman, E Sahinkaya, O Cinar
Bioresource technology 146, 135-143, 2013
Modeling of submerged membrane bioreactor treating cheese whey wastewater by artificial neural network
Ö Çinar, H Hasar, C Kinaci
Journal of biotechnology 123 (2), 204-209, 2006
Bioelectricity generation in continuously-fed microbial fuel cell: effects of anode electrode material and hydraulic retention time
D Akman, K Cirik, S Ozdemir, B Ozkaya, O Cinar
Bioresource technology 149, 459-464, 2013
Treatment of textile wastewater using sequential sulfate-reducing anaerobic and sulfide-oxidizing aerobic membrane bioreactors
A Yurtsever, Ö Çınar, E Sahinkaya
Journal of Membrane Science 511, 228-237, 2016
Evaluation of IAWQ Activated Sludge Model No. 2 using steady‐state data from four full‐scale wastewater treatment plants
Ö Çinar, GT Daigger, SP Graef
Water environment research 70 (6), 1216-1224, 1998
Treatment of textile industry wastewater using dynamic membrane bioreactor: Impact of intermittent aeration on process performance
E Sahinkaya, A Yurtsever, Ö Çınar
Separation and Purification Technology 174, 445-454, 2017
Çevre kirliliği ve kontrolü
Ö Çınar
Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2008
New tool for evaluation of performance of wastewater treatment plant: artificial neural network
Ö Çinar
Process Biochemistry 40 (9), 2980-2984, 2005
Effect of electron donor source on the treatment of Cr (VI)-containing textile wastewater using sulfate-reducing fluidized bed reactors (FBRs)
K Cirik, N Dursun, E Sahinkaya, Ö Çinar
Bioresource technology 133, 414-420, 2013
Effect of NaCl concentration on the performance of sequential anaerobic and aerobic membrane bioreactors treating textile wastewater
A Yurtsever, B Calimlioglu, M Görür, Ö Çınar, E Sahinkaya
Chemical Engineering Journal 287, 456-465, 2016
Performance and foulant characteristics of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating real textile wastewater
A Yurtsever, E Sahinkaya, Ö Çınar
Journal of Water Process Engineering 33, 101088, 2020
Application of an unsupervised artificial neural network technique to multivariant surface water quality data
Ö Çinar, H Merdun
Ecological research 24 (1), 163-173, 2009
The effect of cyclic anaerobic–aerobic conditions on biodegradation of azo dyes
S Yaşar, K Cirik, Ö Çinar
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 35, 449-457, 2012
Memran Biyoreaktörü (MBR) ile Evsel Atıksu Arıtımı
NÖ Yiğit
Doktora Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, Türkiye, 2007
Kinetics of autotrophic denitrification process and the impact of sulphur/limestone ratio on the process performance
A Kilic, E Sahinkaya, O Cinar
Environmental technology 35 (22), 2796-2804, 2014
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Articles 1–20