Giuseppe Lullo
Giuseppe Lullo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universita' di Palermo
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Monolithic integration in InGaAs-InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well structures using laser intermixing
A McKee, CJ McLean, G Lullo, AC Bryce, RM De La Rue, JH Marsh, ...
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 33 (1), 45-55, 1997
RCE photodetectors based on VCSEL structures
T Knodl, HKH Choy, JL Pan, R King, R Jager, G Lullo, JF Ahadian, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 11 (10), 1289-1291, 1999
Decoupled control scheme of grid-connected split-source inverters
A Abdelhakim, P Mattavelli, V Boscaino, G Lullo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (8), 6202-6211, 2017
Resistive switching in microscale anodic titanium dioxide-based memristors
V Aglieri, A Zaffora, G Lullo, M Santamaria, F Di Franco, UL Cicero, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 113, 135-142, 2018
Quantum well intermixing with high spatial selectivity using a pulsed laser technique
CJ McLean, A McKee, G Lullo, AC Bryce, RM De La Rue, JH Marsh
Electronics Letters 31 (15), 1285-1286, 1995
Resistive switching behaviour in ZnO and VO2 memristors grown by pulsed laser deposition
R Macaluso, M Mosca, V Costanza, A D'angelo, G Lullo, F Caruso, C Calì, ...
Electronics letters 50 (4), 262-263, 2014
Thermal stability of a DC/DC converter with inductor in partial saturation
G Vitale, G Lullo, D Scirè
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (9), 7985-7995, 2020
Non-linear inductor modelling for a DC/DC Buck converter
G Lullo, D Scirè, G Vitale
Renew. Energy Power Qual. J 1 (15), 686-693, 2017
A temperature dependent non-linear inductor model for a DC/DC boost converter
D Scirè, S Rosato, G Lullo, G Vitale
2018 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and …, 2018
Progress in violet light-emitting diodes based on ZnO/GaN heterojunction
R Macaluso, G Lullo, I Crupi, D Sciré, F Caruso, E Feltin, M Mosca
Electronics 9 (6), 991, 2020
A low-power fully-MOSFET voltage reference generator for 90 nm CMOS technology
G Di Naro, G Lombardo, C Paolino, G Lullo
2006 IEEE International Conference on IC Design and Technology, 1-4, 2006
Non-Linear Inductor Models Comparison for Switched-Mode Power Supplies Applications
D Scirè, G Lullo, G Vitale
Electronics 11 (15), 2472, 2022
Equivalent circuit modelling of ferrite inductors losses
SF Roberto, D Sciré, G Lullo, G Vitale
2018 IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and …, 2018
Characterization of non-linear inductors including thermal effects for power applications
D Scirè, S Rosato, G Lullo, G Vitale
Renew. Energy Power Qual. J 1 (April), 728-734, 2018
Non-linear inductors characterization in real operating conditions for power density optimization in SMPS
D Scirè, G Vitale, M Ventimiglia, G Lullo
Energies 14 (13), 3924, 2021
Emi filter re-design in a smps with inductor in saturation
D Scirè, G Lullo, G Vitale
2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics …, 2021
Design and modeling of an interleaving boost converter with quasi-saturated inductors for electric vehicles
D Scirè, G Lullo, G Vitale
2020 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies …, 2020
Fabrication of quantum well photonic integrated circuits using laser processing
JH Marsh, AC Bryce, RM De La Rue, CJ McLean, A McKee, G Lullo
Applied surface science 106, 326-334, 1996
Fabrication of electroabsorption optical modulators using laser disordered GaInAs/GaInAsP multiquantum well structures
G Lullo, A McKee, CJ McLean, AC Bryce, C Button, JH Marsh
Electronics Letters 30 (19), 1623-1625, 1994
Assessment of the Current for a Non-Linear Power Inductor Including Temperature in DC-DC Converters
D Scirè, G Lullo, G Vitale
Electronics 12 (3), 579, 2023
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Articles 1–20