Volkan Numan Bulut
Volkan Numan Bulut
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Biosorption of Pb (II) ions from aqueous solution by pine bark (Pinus brutia Ten.)
A Gundogdu, D Ozdes, C Duran, VN Bulut, M Soylak, HB Senturk
Chemical Engineering Journal 153 (1-3), 62-69, 2009
Solid-phase extraction of Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II), Cd (II) and Pb (II) ions from environmental samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)
C Duran, A Gundogdu, VN Bulut, M Soylak, L Elci, HB Sentürk, M Tüfekci
Journal of hazardous materials 146 (1-2), 347-355, 2007
Removal of fluoride ions from aqueous solution by waste mud
B Kemer, D Ozdes, A Gundogdu, VN Bulut, C Duran, M Soylak
Journal of hazardous materials 168 (2-3), 888-894, 2009
A multi-element solid-phase extraction method for trace metals determination in environmental samples on Amberlite XAD-2000
VN Bulut, A Gundogdu, C Duran, HB Senturk, M Soylak, L Elci, M Tufekci
Journal of Hazardous Materials 146 (1-2), 155-163, 2007
Assessment of metal element concentrations in mussel (M. galloprovincialis) in Eastern Black Sea, Turkey
U Cevik, N Damla, AI Kobya, VN Bulut, C Duran, G Dalgıç, R Bozacı
Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2-3), 396-401, 2008
Separation and enrichment of gold (III) from environmental samples prior to its flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
HB Senturk, A Gundogdu, VN Bulut, C Duran, M Soylak, L Elci, M Tufekci
Journal of hazardous materials 149 (2), 317-323, 2007
Carrier element-free coprecipitation (CEFC) method for the separation, preconcentration and speciation of chromium using an isatin derivative
VN Bulut, D Ozdes, O Bekircan, A Gundogdu, C Duran, M Soylak
Analytica chimica acta 632 (1), 35-41, 2009
Speciation of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) after column solid phase extraction on Amberlite XAD-2010
VN Bulut, C Duran, M Tufekci, L Elci, M Soylak
Journal of hazardous materials 143 (1-2), 112-117, 2007
Determination of trace amounts of hexavalent chromium in drinking waters by dispersive microsolid-phase extraction using modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes combined with …
Z Bahadir, VN Bulut, M Hidalgo, M Soylak, E Marguí
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 107, 170-177, 2015
Separation and preconcentration of lead, chromium and copper by using with the combination coprecipitation-flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
Z Bahadır, VN Bulut, D Ozdes, C Duran, H Bektas, M Soylak
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20 (3), 1030-1034, 2014
Preconcentration, separation and spectrophotometric determination of aluminium (III) in water samples and dialysis concentrates at trace levels with 8-hydroxyquinoline–cobalt …
VN Bulut, D Arslan, D Ozdes, M Soylak, M Tufekci
Journal of Hazardous Materials 182 (1-3), 331-336, 2010
Preconcentration of Cd (II) and Cu (II) ions by coprecipitation without any carrier element in some food and water samples
C Duran, D Ozdes, D Sahin, VN Bulut, A Gundogdu, M Soylak
Microchemical Journal 98 (2), 317-322, 2011
Removal of cadmium from aqueous solution by Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. Subsp. nordmanniana) leaves
H Serencam, A Gundogdu, Y Uygur, B Kemer, VN Bulut, C Duran, ...
Bioresource Technology 99 (6), 1992-2000, 2008
Influences of urban wastewaters on the stream water quality: a case study from Gumushane Province, Turkey
A Bayram, H Önsoy, VN Bulut, G Akinci
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185, 1285-1303, 2013
A new approach to separation and pre-concentration of some trace metals with co-precipitation method using a triazole
VN Bulut, C Duran, A Gundogdu, M Soylak, N Yildirim, L Elci
Talanta 76 (2), 469-474, 2008
Cr speciation in water samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Z Bahadir, VN Bulut, M Hidalgo, M Soylak, E Marguí
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 115, 46-51, 2016
Determination of Some Trace Metals in Environmental Samples by Flame AAS Following Solid Phase Extraction with Amberlite XAD‐2000 Resin after Complexing with 8‐Hydroxyquinoline
C Duran, HB Senturk, A Gundogdu, VN Bulut, L Elci, M Soylak, M Tufekci, ...
Chinese Journal of Chemistry 25 (2), 196-202, 2007
Coprecipitation of palladium (II) with 1, 5-diphenylcarbazite–copper (II) and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
N Ozturk, VN Bulut, C Duran, M Soylak
Desalination 270 (1-3), 130-134, 2011
Cloud-point extraction of rhodamine 6G by using Triton X-100 as the non-ionic surfactant
C Duran, D Ozdes, VN Bulut, M Tufekcī, M Soylak
Journal of AOAC International 94 (1), 286-292, 2011
Assessment of water quality parameters in the stream Galyan, Trabzon, Turkey
VN Bulut, A Bayram, A Gundogdu, M Soylak, M Tufekci
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 165, 1-13, 2010
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Articles 1–20