Tony Weis
Tony Weis
Professor of Geography, Western University
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Cited by
The global food economy: The battle for the future of farming
AJ Weis
Zed Books, 2007
Food consumption and its impact on cardiovascular disease: importance of solutions focused on the globalized food system: a report from the workshop convened by the World Heart …
SS Anand, C Hawkes, RJ De Souza, A Mente, M Dehghan, R Nugent, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66 (14), 1590-1614, 2015
The accelerating biophysical contradictions of industrial capitalist agriculture
T Weis
Journal of agrarian change 10 (3), 315-341, 2010
The ecological hoofprint: The global burden of industrial livestock
T Weis
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013
Introduction: critical perspectives on food sovereignty
M Edelman, T Weis, A Baviskar, SM Borras Jr, E Holt-Giménez, ...
Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (6), 911-931, 2014
The meat of the global food crisis
T Weis
The journal of peasant studies 40 (1), 65-85, 2013
Restructuring and redundancy: the impacts and illogic of neoliberal agricultural reforms in Jamaica
T Weis
Journal of Agrarian Change 4 (4), 461-491, 2004
Environment, migration and food security in the Upper West Region of Ghana
I Luginaah, T Weis, S Galaa, MK Nkrumah, R Benzer-Kerr, D Bagah
Environment and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Managing an Emerging Crisis …, 2009
A precarious balance: Neoliberalism, crisis management, and the social implosion in Jamaica
T Weis
Capital & Class 29 (1), 115-147, 2005
From a free gift of nature to a precarious commodity: Bees, pollination services, and industrial agriculture
RA Ellis, T Weis, S Suryanarayanan, K Beilin
Journal of Agrarian Change 20 (3), 437-459, 2020
Small farming and radical imaginations in the Caribbean today
T Weis
Race & Class 49 (2), 112-117, 2007
Beyond peasant deforestation: environment and development in rural Jamaica
T Weis
Global Environmental Change 10 (4), 299-305, 2000
SFSGEC-Meatification and the madness of the doubling narrative
T Weis
Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation 2 (2 …, 2015
A bitter pill: smallholder responses to the new green revolution prescriptions in northern Ghana
S Vercillo, T Weis, I Luginaah
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 27 (6), 565-575, 2020
The rise, fall and future of the Jamaican peasantry
T Weis
The Journal of Peasant Studies 33 (1), 61-88, 2006
Ghosts and things: Agriculture and animal life
T Weis
Global Environmental Politics 18 (2), 134-142, 2018
Breadbasket contradictions: The unstable bounty of industrial agriculture in the United States and Canada
T Weis
Food security, nutrition and sustainability, 27-40, 2013
The challenge of climate change adaptation in Guyana
C Hickey, T Weis
Climate and Development 4 (1), 66-74, 2012
(Re-) making the case for land reform in Jamaica
T Weis
Social and economic studies, 35-72, 2004
Agriculture in and beyond the Haitian catastrophe
M Steckley, T Weis
Third World Quarterly 38 (2), 397-413, 2017
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Articles 1–20