Benjamin T. Vincent
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Cited by
Systematic tendencies in scene viewing
BW Tatler, BT Vincent
Journal of Eye Movement Research 2 (2), 5, 2008
The prominence of behavioural biases in eye guidance
BW Tatler, BT Vincent
Visual Cognition 17 (6-7), 1029-1054, 2009
The long and the short of it: Spatial statistics at fixation vary with saccade amplitude and task
BW Tatler, RJ Baddeley, BT Vincent
Vision Research 46 (12), 1857-1862, 2006
Do we look at lights? Using mixture modelling to distinguish between low-and high-level factors in natural image viewing
BT Vincent, R Baddeley, A Correani, T Troscianko, U Leonards
Visual Cognition 17 (6-7), 856-879, 2009
Hunger increases delay discounting of food and non-food rewards
J Skrynka, BT Vincent
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-9, 2019
Hierarchical Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing for delay discounting tasks
BT Vincent
Behavior research methods 48 (4), 1608-1620, 2016
Covert visual search: Prior beliefs are optimally combined with sensory evidence
B Vincent
Journal of Vision 11 (13), 2011
Is the early visual system optimised to be energy efficient?
BT Vincent, RJ Baddeley, T Troscianko, ID Gilchrist
Network: Computation in Neural Systems 16 (2-3), 175-190, 2005
Optimal feature integration in visual search
BT Vincent, RJ Baddeley, T Troscianko, ID Gilchrist
Journal of Vision 9 (5), 2009
Synaptic energy efficiency in retinal processing
BT Vincent, RJ Baddeley
Vision research 43 (11), 1285-1292, 2003
A tutorial on Bayesian models of perception
BT Vincent
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 66, 103-114, 2015
Investigating a space-variant weighted salience account of visual selection
BT Vincent, T Troscianko, ID Gilchrist
Vision Research 47 (13), 1809-1820, 2007
Waiting in inter-temporal choice tasks affects discounting and subjective time perception
BT Xu, P., Gonzalez-Vallejo, C., Vincent
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2020
Quantitative analysis of three-dimensional human mammary epithelial tissue architecture reveals a role for tenascin-C in regulating c-met function
A Taraseviciute, BT Vincent, P Schedin, PL Jones
The American journal of pathology 176 (2), 827-838, 2010
Bayesian accounts of covert selective attention: A tutorial review
BT Vincent
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 1013-1032, 2015
Search asymmetries: Parallel processing of uncertain sensory information
BT Vincent
Vision research 51 (15), 1741-1750, 2011
Delay discounting and under-valuing of recent information predict poorer adherence to social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Lloyd, R McKay, TK Hartman, BT Vincent, J Murphy, J Gibson-Miller, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 19237, 2021
The DARC Toolbox: automated, flexible, and efficient delayed and risky choice experiments using Bayesian adaptive design
BT Vincent, T Rainforth
PsyArXiv. October 20, 2017
The case of muddled units in temporal discounting
BT Vincent, N Stewart
Cognition 198, 104203, 2020
Temporal discounting does not influence body mass index
ML Veillard, BT Vincent
Physiology & behavior 221, 112893, 2020
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Articles 1–20