Bhaskar Rao
Cited by
Cited by
Sparse signal reconstruction from limited data using FOCUSS: A re-weighted minimum norm algorithm
IF Gorodnitsky, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 45 (3), 600-616, 1997
An overview of limited feedback in wireless communication systems
DJ Love, RW Heath, VKN Lau, D Gesbert, BD Rao, M Andrews
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 26 (8), 1341-1365, 2008
Sparse solutions to linear inverse problems with multiple measurement vectors
SF Cotter, BD Rao, K Engan, K Kreutz-Delgado
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 53 (7), 2477-2488, 2005
Sparse Bayesian learning for basis selection
DP Wipf, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Signal processing 52 (8), 2153-2164, 2004
Performance analysis of root-MUSIC
BD Rao, KVS Hari
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 37 (12), 1939-1949, 1989
Dictionary learning algorithms for sparse representation
K Kreutz-Delgado, JF Murray, BD Rao, K Engan, TW Lee, TJ Sejnowski
Neural computation 15 (2), 349-396, 2003
An empirical Bayesian strategy for solving the simultaneous sparse approximation problem
DP Wipf, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (7), 3704-3716, 2007
Sparse signal recovery with temporally correlated source vectors using sparse Bayesian learning
Z Zhang, BD Rao
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5 (5), 912-926, 2011
Sparse channel estimation via matching pursuit with application to equalization
SF Cotter, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on communications 50 (3), 374-377, 2002
Neuromagnetic source imaging with FOCUSS: a recursive weighted minimum norm algorithm
IF Gorodnitsky, JS George, BD Rao
Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology 95 (4), 231-251, 1995
Precoding and power optimization in cell-free massive MIMO systems
E Nayebi, A Ashikhmin, TL Marzetta, H Yang, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4445-4459, 2017
An affine scaling methodology for best basis selection
BD Rao, K Kreutz-Delgado
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 47 (1), 187-200, 1999
Extension of SBL algorithms for the recovery of block sparse signals with intra-block correlation
Z Zhang, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (8), 2009-2015, 2013
State-space and singular-value decomposition-based approximation methods for the harmonic retrieval problem
SY Kung, KS Arun, DVB Rao
JOSA 73 (12), 1799-1811, 1983
Subset selection in noise based on diversity measure minimization
BD Rao, K Engan, SF Cotter, J Palmer, K Kreutz-Delgado
IEEE transactions on Signal processing 51 (3), 760-770, 2003
Wavefront array processor: Language, architecture, and applications
SY Kung, B Rao
IEEE Transactions on Computers 100 (11), 1054-1066, 1982
Compressed sensing for wireless communications: Useful tips and tricks
JW Choi, B Shim, Y Ding, B Rao, DI Kim
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1527-1550, 2017
Compressed sensing for energy-efficient wireless telemonitoring of noninvasive fetal ECG via block sparse Bayesian learning
Z Zhang, TP Jung, S Makeig, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (2), 300-309, 2012
Lane change intent analysis using robust operators and sparse bayesian learning
JC McCall, DP Wipf, MM Trivedi, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 8 (3), 431-440, 2007
Transmit beamforming in multiple-antenna systems with finite rate feedback: A VQ-based approach
JC Roh, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (3), 1101-1112, 2006
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Articles 1–20