Fasikaw Atanaw Zimale
Fasikaw Atanaw Zimale
Bahir Dar University-Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
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Cited by
Impact of conservation practices on runoff and soil loss in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands: The Debre Mawi watershed
DC Dagnew, CD Guzman, AD Zegeye, TY Tibebu, M Getaneh, S Abate, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 63 (3), 214, 2015
Morphological dynamics of gully systems in the subhumid Ethiopian Highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed
AD Zegeye, EJ Langendoen, CR Stoof, SA Tilahun, DC Dagnew, ...
Soil 2 (3), 443-458, 2016
Evaluation of Past and Future Climate Trends under CMIP6 Scenarios for the UBNB (Abay), Ethiopia
AA Alaminie, SA Tilahun, SA Legesse, FA Zimale, GB Tarkegn, MR Jury
Water 13 (15), 2110, 2021
Budgeting suspended sediment fluxes in tropical monsoonal watersheds with limited data: the Lake Tana basin
FA Zimale, MA Moges, ML Alemu, EK Ayana, SS Demissie, SA Tilahun, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66 (1), 65-78, 2018
Long‐term landscape changes in the Lake Tana Basin as evidenced by delta development and floodplain aggradation in Ethiopia
M Abate, J Nyssen, MM Moges, T Enku, FA Zimale, SA Tilahun, E Adgo, ...
Land Degradation & Development 28 (6), 1820-1830, 2017
Biohydrology of low flows in the humid Ethiopian highlands: The Gilgel Abay catchment
T Enku, A Tadesse, D Yilak, A Gessesse, M Addisie, M Abate, F Zimale, ...
Biologia 69 (11), 1502-1509, 2014
Improving watershed management practices in humid regions
FA Zimale, SA Tilahun, TY Tebebu, CD Guzman, L Hoang, ...
Hydrological Processes, 1-8, 2017
Sediment concentration rating curves for a monsoonal climate: upper Blue Nile
MMA , Zemale Fasikaw A ,Alemu Muluken L ,Ayele Getaneh K ,Dagnew Dessalegn C ...
SOIL 2 (3), 337-349, 2016
Predicting optical water quality indicators from remote sensing using machine learning algorithms in tropical highlands of Ethiopia
ES Leggesse, FA Zimale, D Sultan, T Enku, R Srinivasan, SA Tilahun
Hydrology 10 (5), 110, 2023
Water quality characteristics of a water hyacinth infested tropical highland lake: Lake Tana, Ethiopia
MG Dersseh, TS Steenhuis, AA Kibret, BM Eneyew, MG Kebedew, ...
Frontiers in Water 4, 774710, 2022
Modeling discharge and sediment concentrations after landscape interventions in a humid monsoon climate: The Anjeni watershed in the highlands of Ethiopia
CD Guzman, FA Zimale, TY Tebebu, HK Bayabil, SA Tilahun, B Yitaferu, ...
Hydrological processes 31 (6), 1239-1257, 2017
Establishing irrigation potential of a hillside aquifer in the African highlands
SA Tilahun, DL Yilak, P Schmitter, FA Zimale, S Langan, J Barron, ...
Hydrological Processes 34 (8), 1741-1753, 2020
Water balance for a tropical lake in the volcanic highlands: Lake Tana, Ethiopia
ML Alemu, AW Worqlul, FA Zimale, SA Tilahun, TS Steenhuis
Water 12 (10), 2737, 2020
Spatial and temporal trends of recent dissolved phosphorus concentrations in Lake Tana and its four main tributaries
ML Alemu, M Geset, HM Mosa, FA Zemale, MA Moges, SK Giri, ...
Land degradation & development 28 (5), 1742-1751, 2017
Variability of soil surface characteristics in a mountainous watershed in Valle del Cauca, Colombia: Implications for runoff, erosion, and conservation
CD Guzman, F Hoyos-Villada, M Da Silva, FA Zimale, N Chirinda, ...
Journal of Hydrology 576, 273-286, 2019
The relationship of lake morphometry and phosphorus dynamics of a tropical Highland Lake: Lake Tana, Ethiopia
MG Kebedew, AA Kibret, SA Tilahun, MA Belete, FA Zimale, TS Steenhuis
Water 12 (8), 2243, 2020
Bottom sediment characteristics of a tropical lake: Lake Tana, Ethiopia
MG Kebedew, SA Tilahun, FA Zimale, TS Steenhuis
Hydrology 7 (1), 18, 2020
Calculating the sediment budget of a tropical lake in the Blue Nile basin: Lake Tana
FA Zimale, MA Mogus, ML Alemu, EK Ayana, SS Demissie, SA Tilahun, ...
Soil Discussions 2016, 1-32, 2016
Spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater depths and soil nutrients in a small watershed in the Ethiopian highlands: Topographic and land-use controls
CD Guzman, SA Tilahun, DC Dagnew, FA Zimale, AD Zegeye, J Boll, ...
Journal of Hydrology 555, 420-434, 2017
Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration from Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurement over Lake Tana, Ethiopia
ZR Womber, FA Zimale, MG Kebedew, BW Asers, NM DeLuca, ...
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Articles 1–20