sikstus gusli
sikstus gusli
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Soil carbon stocks in Indonesian (agro) forest transitions: Compaction conceals lower carbon concentrations in standard accounting
K Hairiah, M van Noordwijk, RR Sari, DD Saputra, D Suprayogo, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 294, 106879, 2020
Soil organic matter, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change in cocoa–based agroforestry systems
S Gusli, S Sumeni, R Sabodin, IH Muqfi, M Nur, K Hairiah, D Useng, ...
Land 9 (9), 323, 2020
An automated laboratory rainfall simulation system with controlled rainfall intensity, raindrop energy and soil drainage
CT Hignett, S Gusli, A Cass, W Besz
Soil Technology 8 (1), 31-42, 1995
Sustainability of soil structure quality in rice paddy—soya-bean cropping systems in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
A Cass, S Gusli, DA MacLeod
Soil and Tillage Research 31 (4), 339-352, 1994
Structural collapse and strength of some Australian soils in relation to hard setting: I. Structural collapse on wetting and draining
S Gusli, A Cass, DA MacLeod, PS Blackwell
European Journal of Soil Science 45 (1), 15-21, 1994
Structural collapse and strength of some Australian soils in relation to hard setting: II. Tensile strength of collapsed aggregates
S Gusli, A Cass, DA MacLeod, PS Blackwell
European Journal of Soil Science 45 (1), 23-29, 1994
The increasing role of Indonesian women in soil science: Current & future challenges
D Fiantis, SR Utami, A Niswati, A Nurbaity, SNH Utami, S Taberima, ...
Soil Security 6, 100050, 2022
Cocoa and coffee in Asia: contrasts and similarities in production and value addition
M van Noordwijk, E Martini, S Gusli, JM Roshetko, B Leimona, ...
Minang PA, Duguma LA, van Noordwijk M, eds, 2021
Integrating smallholder cocoa farmers within quality-driven supply chains: learning from the PRIMA project
J Neilson, S Gusli, R Palinrungi, A Sau
Report submitted to the PENSA (Program for Eastern Indonesia SME Assistance …, 2005
Tree density impact on growth, roots length density, and yield in agroforestry based cocoa
AR Saleh, S Gusli, A Ala, R Neswati, SRI Sudewi
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (1), 2022
Exploring of promising bacteria from the rhizosphere of maize, cocoa and lamtoro.
Sukmawati, A Ala, B Patandjengi, S Gusli
Investigasi pengaruh urea terhadap disperse, struktur dan erosi tanah tropika dengan manajemen air dan pola tanam berbeda
A Ala, B Rasyid, M Nathan, S Gusli
Laporan Akhir Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi Tahun Anggaran 1998, 1997
Soil organic matter, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change in cocoa–based agroforestry systems. Land 9
S Gusli, S Sumeni, R Sabodin, IH Muqfi, M Nur, K Hairiah, D Useng, ...
Pengolahan Mulsa Jerami Padi dan Pemupukan Lewat Daun dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Produksi Kedelai di Lahan Sawah
A Hakim, SSR Samosir, S Gusli, A Ala
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi. http://www. pascaunhas. net/jur_pdf/SC/sc_april04, 2004
Processes that distinguish hardsetting from rain-induced crusting
S Gusli, A Cass, DA MacLeod, CT Hignett
Sealing, Crusting and Hardsetting Soils: Productivity and Conservation, Proc …, 1995
Structural collapse and strength of some Australian soils in relation to hardsetting behaviour
S Gusli
M. Rur. Sci. Thesis, 1989
Sifat fisik dan kimia tanah di bawah tegakan mangrove
M Mustafa, D Rukmana, S Gusli
Kantor Menteri Negara Pengawasan Pembangunan dan Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH …, 1981
Linking marginal soil to sugarcane productivity in Takalar, Indonesia
W Safitri, A Ala, S Gusli, I Salim
Soil Science Annual 75 (1), 184160, 2024
The significance of introducing goats into Sulawesi cocoa farming system to reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers and to increase smallholders profitability
S Gusli, B Zakaria, M Sakri, L Toleng
Implication of the root growth and soil macropores distribution on sugarcane yield in Takalar, Indonesia.
W Safitri, A Ala, S Gusli, I Salim
Journal of Degraded & Mining Lands Management 11 (4), 2024
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Articles 1–20