Pavel Saska
Pavel Saska
Crop Research Institute
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Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe–from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation
DJ Kotze, P Brandmayr, A Casale, E Dauffy-Richard, W Dekoninck, ...
ZooKeys, 55, 2011
Age-Stage, two-sex life table: an introduction to theory, data analysis, and application.
H Chi, M You, R Atlıhan, CL Smith, A Kavousi, MS Özgökçe, A Güncan, ...
Entomologia Generalis 40 (2), 2020
Size and taxonomic constraints determine the seed preferences of Carabidae (Coleoptera)
A Honek, Z Martinkova, P Saska, S Pekar
Basic and Applied Ecology 8 (4), 343-353, 2007
Pre‐dispersal predation of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) seed
A Honek, Z Martinkova
Journal of Ecology 93 (2), 335-344, 2005
Temperature effects on pitfall catches of epigeal arthropods: a model and method for bias correction
P Saska, W van der Werf, L Hemerik, ML Luff, TD Hatten, A Honek
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (1), 181-189, 2013
Spatial and temporal patterns of carabid activity-density in cereals do not explain levels of predation on weed seeds
P Saska, W Van der Werf, E De Vries, PR Westerman
Bulletin of entomological research 98 (2), 169-181, 2008
Seasonal variation in seed predation by adult carabid beetles
A Honek, P Saska, Z Martinkova
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 118 (2), 157-162, 2006
The significance of a grassy field boundary for the spatial distribution of carabids within two cereal fields
P Saska, M Vodde, T Heijerman, P Westerman, W van der Werf
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 122 (4), 427-434, 2007
Temperature and rate of seed consumption by ground beetles (Carabidae)
P Saska, Z Martinkova, A Honek
Biological Control 52 (2), 91-95, 2010
Development of the beetle parasitoids, Brachinus explodens and B. crepitans (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
P Saska, A Honek
Journal of Zoology 262 (1), 29-36, 2004
Survival and reproductive strategies in two-spotted spider mites: demographic analysis of arrhenotokous parthenogenesis of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae)
SJ Tuan, YH Lin, CM Yang, R Atlihan, P Saska, H Chi
Journal of Economic Entomology 109 (2), 502-509, 2016
Role of post-dispersal seed and seedling predation in establishment of dandelion (Taraxacum agg.) plants
A Honek, Z Martinkova, P Saska, S Koprdova
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 134 (1-2), 126-135, 2009
Advances in theory, data analysis, and application of the age-stage, two-sex life table for demographic research, biological control, and pest management
H Chi, A Kavousi, G Gharekhani, R Atlihan, M Salih Özgökçe, A Güncan, ...
E Schweizerbartsche Verlags, 2023
Laboratory study of larval food requirements in nine species of Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
P Saska, V Jarosik
Plant Protection Science-UZPI 37, 2001
Treatment by glyphosate-based herbicide alters life history parameters of the rose-grain aphid Metopolophium dirhodum
P Saska, J Skuhrovec, J Lukáš, H Chi, SJ Tuan, A Honěk
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 27801, 2016
Larval and adult seed consumption affected by the degree of food specialization in Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
P Klimeš, P Saska
Journal of Applied Entomology 134 (8), 659-666, 2010
Granivory in terrestrial isopods
P Saska
Ecological Entomology 33 (6), 742-747, 2008
Temporal changes in the spatial distribution of carabid beetles around arable field-woodlot boundaries
M Knapp, M Seidl, J Knappová, M Macek, P Saska
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8967, 2019
Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) on Winter Wheat: Predicting Maximum Abundance of Metopolophium dirhodum
A Honek, Z Martinkova, P Saska, AFG Dixon
Journal of Economic Entomology 111 (4), 1751-1759, 2018
Consumption of fresh and buried seed by ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Z Martinkova, P Saska, A Honek
European Journal of Entomology 103 (2), 361-364, 2006
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Articles 1–20