Carolina Tovar Ingar
Carolina Tovar Ingar
Research leader in Spatial and data analysis - Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
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Cited by
Predicting species distributions in poorly-studied landscapes
PA Hernandez, I Franke, SK Herzog, V Pacheco, L Paniagua, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 17, 1353-1366, 2008
The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management
H Kreibich, AF Van Loon, K Schröter, PJ Ward, M Mazzoleni, N Sairam, ...
Nature 608 (7921), 80-86, 2022
Diverging responses of tropical Andean biomes under future climate conditions
C Tovar, CA Arnillas, F Cuesta, W Buytaert
PloS one 8 (5), e63634, 2013
Glacial melt content of water use in the tropical Andes
W Buytaert, S Moulds, L Acosta, B De Bièvre, C Olmos, M Villacis, C Tovar, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (11), 114014, 2017
Plant and animal endemism in the eastern Andean slope: challenges to conservation
JJ Swenson, BE Young, S Beck, P Comer, JH Córdova, J Dyson, ...
BMC ecology 12, 1-19, 2012
Monitoring land use and land cover change in mountain regions: An example in the Jalca grasslands of the Peruvian Andes
C Tovar, AC Seijmonsbergen, JF Duivenvoorden
Landscape and urban planning 112, 40-49, 2013
Potential adaptive strategies for 29 sub-Saharan crops under future climate change
S Pironon, TR Etherington, JS Borrell, N Kühn, M Macias-Fauria, I Ondo, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (10), 758-763, 2019
What makes a terrestrial ecosystem resilient?
KJ Willis, ES Jeffers, C Tovar
Science 359 (6379), 988-989, 2018
Determining the response of African biota to climate change: using the past to model the future
KJ Willis, KD Bennett, SL Burrough, M Macias-Fauria, C Tovar
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Using spatial models to predict areas of endemism and gaps in the protection of Andean slope birds
BE Young, I Franke, PA Hernandez, SK Herzog, L Paniagua, C Tovar, ...
The Auk 126 (3), 554-565, 2009
Thermal niche traits of high alpine plant species and communities across the tropical Andes and their vulnerability to global warming
F Cuesta, C Tovar, LD Llambí, WD Gosling, S Halloy, J Carilla, P Muriel, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47 (2), 408-420, 2020
Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities
C Tovar, AF Carril, AG Gutiérrez, A Ahrends, L Fita, P Zaninelli, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 2022
New land in the Neotropics: a review of biotic community, ecosystem, and landscape transformations in the face of climate and glacier change
F Cuesta, LD Llambí, C Huggel, F Drenkhan, WD Gosling, P Muriel, ...
Regional Environmental Change 19, 1623-1642, 2019
Determining the ecological value of landscapes beyond protected areas
KJ Willis, ES Jeffers, C Tovar, PR Long, N Caithness, MGD Smit, ...
Biological conservation 147 (1), 3-12, 2012
Seeing through the clouds–Mapping desert fog oasis ecosystems using 20 years of MODIS imagery over Peru and Chile
J Moat, A Orellana-Garcia, C Tovar, M Arakaki, C Arana, A Cano, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 103 …, 2021
Globally important plant functional traits for coping with climate change
N Kühn, C Tovar, J Carretero, V Vandvik, BJ Enquist, KJ Willis
Frontiers of Biogeography 13 (4), 2021
A concerted research effort to advance the hydrological understanding of Tropical Páramos
A Correa, BF Ochoa‐Tocachi, C Birkel, A Ochoa‐Sánchez, C Zogheib, ...
Hydrological Processes, 2020
Yungas peruanas-bosques montanos de la vertiente oriental de los Andes del Perú: Una perspectiva ecorregional de conservación
A Tovar, C Tovar, J Saito, A Soto, F Regal, Z Cruz, C Véliz, P Vásquez, ...
Centro de datos para la conservación de la Universidad Agraria La Molina …, 2010
Plant dispersal strategies of high tropical alpine communities across the Andes
C Tovar, I Melcher, B Kusumoto, F Cuesta, A Cleef, RI Meneses, S Halloy, ...
Journal of Ecology 108 (5), 1910-1922, 2020
Plant community dynamics of lomas fog oasis of Central Peru after the extreme precipitation caused by the 1997-98 El Niño event
C Tovar, E Sánchez Infantas, V Teixeira Roth
PLoS One 13 (1), e0190572, 2018
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Articles 1–20