José de Jesús Pelayo Cárdenas
José de Jesús Pelayo Cárdenas
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Geometric quantification of chirality in ligand-protected metal clusters
JJ Pelayo, RL Whetten, IL Garzón
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (51), 28666-28678, 2015
Chiral-Icosahedral (I) Symmetry in Ubiquitous Metallic Cluster Compounds (145A,60X): Structure and Bonding Principles
RL Whetten, HC Weissker, JJ Pelayo, SM Mullins, X López-Lozano, ...
Accounts of Chemical Research 52 (1), 34-43, 2019
Chirality in bare and ligand-protected metal nanoclusters
JJ Pelayo, I Valencia, AP García, L Chang, M López, D Toffoli, M Stener, ...
Advances in Physics: X 3 (1), 1509727, 2018
Vibrational Spectrum, Caloric Curve, Low-Temperature Heat Capacity, and Debye Temperature of Sodium Clusters: The Na139+ Case
HE Sauceda, JJ Pelayo, F Salazar, LA Pérez, IL Garzón
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (21), 11393-11398, 2013
Chiral symmetry breaking yields the I-Au 60 perfect golden shell of singular rigidity
SM Mullins, HC Weissker, R Sinha-Roy, JJ Pelayo, IL Garzón, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3352, 2018
Enantiospecific adsorption of cysteine on a chiral Au34 cluster
J de Jesús Pelayo, I Valencia, G Díaz, X López-Lozano, IL Garzón
The European Physical Journal D 69 (12), 277, 2015
Changes to the dissociation barrier of H2 due to buckling induced by a chemisorbed hydrogen on a doped graphene surface
A Hernández-Hernández, E Vallejo, F Martínez-Farías, JJ Pelayo, ...
Journal of molecular modeling 24 (9), 244, 2018
Systematic study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of silicon nanowires
A de Jesus Herrera-Carbajal, A Sánchez-Castillo, ...
Revista Mexicana de Física 70 (1 Jan-Feb), 011003 1–8-011003 1–8, 2024
Cuantificación geométrica de la quiralidad de nanotubos de carbono
J de Jesús Pelayo-Cárdenas, A Sánchez-Castillo
Pädi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI 11 …, 2023
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Articles 1–9