Louis Baum
Cited by
Cited by
Sisyphus laser cooling of a polyatomic molecule
I Kozyryev, L Baum, K Matsuda, BL Augenbraun, L Anderegg, AP Sedlack, ...
Physical review letters 118 (17), 173201, 2017
Direct laser cooling of a symmetric top molecule
D Mitra, NB Vilas, C Hallas, L Anderegg, BL Augenbraun, L Baum, ...
Science 369 (6509), 1366-1369, 2020
Proposal for laser cooling of complex polyatomic molecules
I Kozyryev, L Baum, K Matsuda, JM Doyle
ChemPhysChem 17 (22), 3641-3648, 2016
1D magneto-optical trap of polyatomic molecules
L Baum, NB Vilas, C Hallas, BL Augenbraun, S Raval, D Mitra, JM Doyle
Physical review letters 124 (13), 133201, 2020
Coherent bichromatic force deflection of molecules
I Kozyryev, L Baum, L Aldridge, P Yu, EE Eyler, JM Doyle
Physical review letters 120 (6), 063205, 2018
Radiation pressure force from optical cycling on a polyatomic molecule
I Kozyryev, L Baum, K Matsuda, B Hemmerling, JM Doyle
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (13), 134002, 2016
Establishing a nearly closed cycling transition in a polyatomic molecule
L Baum, NB Vilas, C Hallas, BL Augenbraun, S Raval, D Mitra, JM Doyle
Physical Review A 103 (4), 043111, 2021
Collisional relaxation of vibrational states of SrOH with He at 2 K
I Kozyryev, L Baum, K Matsuda, P Olson, B Hemmerling, JM Doyle
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 045003, 2015
252Cf fission-neutron spectrum using a simplified time-of-flight setup: An advanced teaching laboratory experiment
FD Becchetti, M Febbraro, R Torres-Isea, M Ojaruega, L Baum
American Journal of Physics 81 (2), 112-119, 2013
Laser cooling and 1D magneto-optical trapping of calcium monohydroxide
LW Baum
Harvard University, 2020
Establishing a highly closed cycling transition in a polyatomic molecule
L Baum, NB Vilas, C Hallas, BL Augenbraun, S Rava, D Mitra, JM Doyle
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2006.01769, 2020
Magneto-optical forces applied to polyatomic molecules
L Baum, N Vilas, C Hallas, S Raval, B Augenbraun, D Mitra, J Doyle
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
Laser slowing towards a 3D MOT of CaOH molecules
N Vilas, C Hallas, L Anderegg, B Augenbraun, L Baum, D Mitra, J Doyle
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66, 2021
Laser Cooling of CaOH and CaOCH3: Optical Cycling and Branching Ratios
C Hallas, N Vilas, L Anderegg, B Augenbraun, L Baum, D Mitra, J Doyle
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 66, 2021
Establishing a highly closed cycling transition in a polyatomic molecule
JMD Louis Baum, Nathaniel B. Vilas, Christian Hallas, Benjamin L. Augenbraun ...
arXiv:2006.01769, 2020
Novel Laser-Coolable Molecular Species
N Vilas, B Augenbraun, Z Lasner, A Frenett, H Sawaoka, C Miller, Z Niu, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
Progress Towards a Magneto-Optical Trap of Polyatomic Molecules
N Vilas, L Baum, C Hallas, D Mitra, J Doyle
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2019 …, 2019
Toward Magneto-Optical Trapping of Polyatomic Molecules
L Baum, I Kozyryev, Z Zhu, P Yu, JM Doyle
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018 …, 2018
Coherent Bichromatic Force Deflection of SrOH
I Kozyryev, L Baum, L Aldridge, P Yu, E Eyler, J Doyle
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018 …, 2018
Doppler and Sisyphus Laser Cooling of the Polyatomic Molecule SrOH
I Kozyryev, L Baum, K Matsuda, B Augenbraun, L Anderegg, A Sedlack, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20