Daniel Vélez Ortiz
Daniel Vélez Ortiz
Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Alzheimer’s disease in the Latino community: intersection of genetics and social determinants of health
IE Vega, LY Cabrera, CM Wygant, D Velez-Ortiz, SE Counts
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 58 (4), 979-992, 2017
Factors associated with mental health service use among Latino and Asian Americans
H Cho, I Kim, D Velez-Ortiz
Community mental health journal 50, 960-967, 2014
Prevalence of intimate partner violence and associated risk factors among Latinos/as: an exploratory study with three Latino subpopulations
H Cho, D Velez-Ortiz, JR Parra-Cardona
Violence Against Women 20 (9), 1041-1058, 2014
Being the diversity hire: Negotiating identity in an academic job search
AK Hughes, PS Horner, DV Ortiz
Journal of Social Work Education 48 (3), 595-612, 2012
Brokering language and culture: can ad hoc interpreters fill the language service gap at community health centers?
CR Larrison, D Velez-Ortiz, PM Hernandez, LM Piedra, A Goldberg
Social Work in Public Health 25 (3-4), 387-407, 2010
Insightful learning of life's lessons with older adult guests in the classroom
D Vélez Ortiz, SL Cross, A Day
Educational Gerontology 38 (12), 854-866, 2012
A good call?: Contextual factors influencing mandated reporting in domestic violence programs
ML Carlson, E Wittrup, CA Moylan, DV Ortiz
Journal of family violence 35 (3), 269-278, 2020
Chronic illness intrusion: Role impairment and time out of role in racially and ethnically diverse older adults
AK Hughes, A Toler Woodward, D Velez-Ortiz
The Gerontologist 54 (4), 661-669, 2014
Culture, place of origin, and service delivery for latino older adult immigrants: the case of Puerto Rican older adults
D Vélez Ortiz, SA Cole
Journal of gerontological social work 51 (3-4), 300-314, 2008
Framing effects on end-of-life preferences among Latino elders
D Vélez Ortiz, RO Martinez, DV Espino
Social Work in Health Care 54 (8), 708-724, 2015
Competently mixing: Does a clinical practice cultural competence framework fit in mixed methods research?
D Vélez Ortiz, MR Sosulski, DA Sherwood
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 6 (4), 348-363, 2012
Academic, professional, and community outcomes of a faculty-mentored BASW research experience
A Hughes, DV Ortiz, P Horner
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 17 (1), 133-147, 2012
Constructing College-Level Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Minors—Moving from Performative to Transformative DEI
C Gibbs, N Achebe, B Johnson, C Nwaiche, DV Ortiz
The Radical Teacher, 41-50, 2023
Pathways to treatment: Mental health providers’ experiences with Latina/o clients’ care seeking
I Barrera, D Vélez-Ortiz, LM Camacho
Social Work in Mental Health 14 (5), 545-563, 2016
Social work faculty and undergraduate research mentorships
PS Horner, AK Hughes, D Vélez Ortiz
Journal of Teaching in Social Work 36 (2), 216-230, 2016
Mental health services structure: The case of older Puerto Ricans in senior centers
D Velez Ortiz
Journal of Social Service Research 41 (2), 204-215, 2015
Latinos 2025: A Needs Assessment of Latino Communities in Southeast Michigan
RO Martinez, J Kayitsinga, P Horner, DV Ortiz
Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University, 2015
The Importance of Possible Selves in Family Resilience Among Puerto Rican Survivors of Hurricane Maria Displaced to Orlando, Florida
A Nelson, P Horner, D Velez Ortiz, M Sato
Families in Society 103 (3), 328-344, 2022
The role of spirituality in family adjustment and resilience among Puerto Rican families post-Hurricane Maria
M Sato, PS Horner, D Vélez Ortiz, A Nelson
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought 41 (1), 90-103, 2022
The moderating role of everyday discrimination on the association between post-traumatic stress and loneliness among older Puerto Ricans
K Wang, D Vélez Ortiz, L Colón, F Sun, L Falcón
Aging & Mental Health 27 (7), 1388-1395, 2023
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Articles 1–20