Asghar Esmaeeli
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Cited by
A front-tracking method for the computations of multiphase flow
G Tryggvason, B Bunner, A Esmaeeli, D Juric, N Al-Rawahi, W Tauber, ...
Journal of computational physics 169 (2), 708-759, 2001
Direct numerical simulations of bubbly flows. Part 1. Low Reynolds number arrays
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 377, 313-345, 1998
Computations of film boiling. Part I: numerical method
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
International journal of heat and mass transfer 47 (25), 5451-5461, 2004
Direct numerical simulations of bubbly flows Part 2. Moderate Reynolds number arrays
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 385, 325-358, 1999
An inverse energy cascade in two-dimensional low Reynolds number bubbly flows
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 314, 315-330, 1996
Direct numerical simulations of gas/liquid multiphase flows
G Tryggvason, A Esmaeeli, J Lu, S Biswas
Fluid dynamics research 38 (9), 660-681, 2006
A direct numerical simulation study of the buoyant rise of bubbles at O (100) Reynolds number
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
Physics of Fluids 17 (9), 093303, 2005
Computations of film boiling. Part II: multi-mode film boiling
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
International journal of heat and mass transfer 47 (25), 5463-5476, 2004
A front tracking method for computations of boiling in complex geometries
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 30 (7-8), 1037-1050, 2004
Computations of Multiphase Flows by a Finite Diference/Front Tracking Method. II. Applications
G Tryggvason, A Esmaeeli, S Mortazavi, J Han, S Homma
29th Computational Fluid Dynamics. Lecture Series 1998-03. von Karman …, 1998
Direct numerical simulations of flows with phase change
G Tryggvason, A Esmaeeli, N Al-Rawahi
Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Boston, MA, 2003
IMECE2002-32823 Direct Numerical Simulations of Flows With Phase Change
G Tryggvason, N Al-Rawahi, A Esmaeeli
ASME Publication, 2002
The EHD-driven fluid flow and deformation of a liquid jet by a transverse electric field
MN Reddy, A Esmaeeli
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (11), 1051-1065, 2009
Transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop
A Esmaeeli, P Sharifi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Multiscale computations of thin films in multiphase flows
S Thomas, A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 36 (1), 71-77, 2010
Computations of explosive boiling in microgravity
A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
Journal of scientific computing 19, 163-182, 2003
An analytical solution for thermocapillary-driven convection of superimposed fluids at zero Reynolds and Marangoni numbers
B Pendse, A Esmaeeli
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 49 (7), 1147-1155, 2010
Comparison of results from DNS of bubbly flows with a two-fluid model for two-dimensional laminar flows
S Biswas, A Esmaeeli, G Tryggvason
International journal of multiphase flow 31 (9), 1036-1048, 2005
Computations of multiphase flows
G Tryggvason, B Bunner, A Esmaeeli, N Al-Rawahi
Advances in applied mechanics 39 (C), 81-120, 2003
Electrohydrodynamics of a compound drop
A Behjatian, A Esmaeeli
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20