Florentino Braña
Florentino Braña
Catedrático de Zoología, Universidad de Oviedo
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Incubation temperature differentially affects hatching time, egg survival, and hatchling performance in the lizard Podarcis muralis
R van Damme, D Bauwens, F Braña, RF Verheyen
Herpetologica 48 (2), 220-228, 1992
Sexual dimorphism in lacertid lizards: male head increase vs female abdomen increase?
F Braña
Oikos 75, 511-523, 1996
Influence of incubation temperature on morphology, locomotor performance, and early growth of hatchling wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
F Braña, X Ji
Journal of Experimental Zoology 286 (4), 422-433, 2000
Thermal dependence of embryonic growth and development in brown trout
AF Ojanguren, F Brana
Journal of fish biology 62 (3), 580-590, 2003
Shifts in body temperature and escape behaviour of female Podarcis muralis during pregnancy
F Braña
Oikos 66, 216-222, 1993
Effects of egg size on offspring development and fitness in brown trout, Salmo trutta L.
AF Ojanguren, FG Reyes-Gavilán, F Brana
Aquaculture 147 (1-2), 9-20, 1996
Effects of size and morphology on swimming performance in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)
AF Ojanguren, F Brana
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 12 (4), 241-246, 2003
Fish community variation along physical gradients in short streams of northern Spain and the disruptive effect of dams
FG Reyes-Gavilán, R Garrido, AG Nicieza, MM Toledo, F Brana
Hydrobiologia 321, 155-163, 1996
Thermal sensitivity of growth, food intake and activity of juvenile brown trout
AF Ojanguren, FG Reyes-Gavilán, F Braña
Journal of thermal biology 26 (3), 165-170, 2001
Differentiation in juvenile growth and bimodality patterns between northern and southern populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
AG Nicieza, FG Reyes-Gavilán, F Braña
Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (9), 1603-1610, 1994
The influence of thermal and hydric environments on embryonic use of energy and nutrients, and hatchling traits, in the wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
X Ji, F Brana
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-A-Molecular and Integrative …, 1999
Variation in digestive performance between geographically disjunct populations of Atlantic salmon: countergradient in passage time and digestion rate
AG Nicieza, L Reiriz, F Braña
Oecologia 99, 243-251, 1994
Effect of salmonid introduction and other environmental characteristics on amphibian distribution and abundance in mountain lakes of northern Spain
G Orizaola, F Braña
Animal Conservation 9 (2), 171-178, 2006
Morphological correlates of burst speed and field movement patterns: the behavioural adjustment of locomotion in wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
F Brana
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80 (1), 135-146, 2003
Relationships among smolt size, marine growth, and sea age at maturity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in northern Spain
AG Nicieza, F Braña
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50 (8), 1632-1640, 1993
Egg retention in lacertid lizards: relationships with reproductive ecology and the evolution of viviparity
F Braña, A Bea, MJ Arrayago
Herpetologica 47, 218-226, 1991
Effect of introduced fish on amphibian assemblages in mountain lakes of northern Spain
F Braña, L Frechilla, G Orizaola
Herpetological Journal 6 (4), 145-148, 1996
Development of length–bimodality and smolting in wild stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., under different growth conditions
AG Nicieza, F Brana, MM Toledo
Journal of Fish Biology 38 (4), 509-523, 1991
Among clutch variation in reproductive output and egg size in the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) from a lowland population of northern Spain
X Ji, F Brana
Journal of Herpetology 34, 54-60, 2000
Effects of temperature on developmental performance, survival and growth of sea lamprey embryos
R Rodríguez‐Muñcoz, AG Nicieza, F Brana
Journal of Fish Biology 58 (2), 475-486, 2001
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