Adrian Mikhail P. Garcia
Cited by
Cited by
Velocity and drag evolution from the leading edge of a model mangrove forest
M Maza, K Adler, D Ramos, AM Garcia, H Nepf
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (11), 9144-9159, 2017
Reversed lateral circulation in a sharp estuarine bend with weak stratification
WM Kranenburg, WR Geyer, AMP Garcia, DK Ralston
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (6), 1619-1637, 2019
Exchange Flows in Tributary Creeks Enhance Dispersion by Tidal Trapping
AMP Garcia, WR Geyer, N Randall
Estuaries and Coasts 45 (2), 363-381, 2021
Tidal dispersion in short estuaries
AMP Garcia, WR Geyer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 128 (2), e2022JC018883, 2023
Tidal intrusion fronts, surface convergence, and mixing in an estuary with complex topography
T Bo, DK Ralston, AMP Garcia, WR Geyer
Journal of Physical Oceanography 54 (3), 653-677, 2024
Effect of Tributary Creeks on Estuarine Dispersion
AMP Garcia, N Randall, WR Geyer, W Kranenburg, DK Ralston
Am. Geophys. Union 20, 1634490, 2018
Rivers as political boundaries: Peru and its dynamic borders
JD Abad, C Escobar, AMP Garcia, C Ortals, CE Frias, J Vizcarra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, EP51D-3553, 2014
Anabranching Structures: Dynamic, Evolution and Frequency Patterns in the Peruvian Amazon River
JM Díaz, AMP Garcia, JD Abad
Fall Meeting 2022, 2022
Mechanisms of Tidal Dispersion in a Salt Marsh Estuary
AMP Garcia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022
Dispersion by tidal trapping is enhanced by stratification
AMP Garcia, WR Geyer
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 2020
Rivers as Political Boundaries: Peru and its Dynamic Borders
C Escobar, JDD Abad, AMP Garcia, C Ortals, CE Frias, J Vizcarra
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014
Insight on the Peruvian Amazon River: A Planform Metric Characterization of its Morphodynamics
AM Garcia, J Abad, C Ortals, C Frias
American Geophysical Union, 2014
Determination of drag coefficient for mangrove trees: An experimental study in an artificial mangrove forest
AM Garcia, H Nepf
La evolución morfodinámica del Rio Amazonas peruano: Un análisis planimétrico
AMP García, JD Abad
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Articles 1–14