Gerard Tanne
Gerard Tanne
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MEMS switchable interdigital coplanar filter
E Fourn, A Pothier, C Champeaux, P Tristant, A Catherinot, P Blondy, ...
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques 51 (1), 320-324, 2003
Bandwidth and central frequency control on tunable bandpass filter by using MEMS cantilevers
E Fourn, C Quendo, E Rius, A Pothier, P Blondy, C Champeaux, ...
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 1, 523-526, 2003
Reconfigurable planar SIW cavity resonator and filter
JC Bohorquez, B Potelon, C Person, E Rius, C Quendo, G Tanne, E Fourn
2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 947-950, 2006
Miniature microstrip stepped impedance resonator bandpass filters and diplexers for mobile communications
AF Sheta, JP Coupez, G Tanne, S Toutain, JP Blot
1996 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest 2, 607-610, 1996
Correlation between magnetic properties of layered ferromagnetic/dielectric material and tunable microwave device applications
E Salahun, P Quéffélec, G Tanné, AL Adenot, O Acher
Journal of applied physics 91 (8), 5449-5455, 2002
Tuneable microstrip device controlled by a weak magnetic field using ferromagnetic laminations
AL Adenot, O Acher, T Taffary, P Queffelec, G Tanne
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (9), 6914-6916, 2000
Pulsed laser deposited KNbO3 thin films for applications in high frequency range
A Rousseau, V Laur, M Guilloux-Viry, G Tanné, F Huret, S Députier, ...
Thin Solid Films 515 (4), 2353-2360, 2006
Liquid crystal tunable filter based on DBR topology
JF Bernigaud, N Martin, P Laurent, C Quendo, G Tanné, B Della, F Huret, ...
2006 European Microwave Conference, 368-371, 2006
Kta/sub 0.6/nb/sub 0.4/o/sub 3/ferroelectric thin film behavior at microwave frequencies for tunable applications
V Laur, A Rousseau, G Tanné, P Laurent, S Députier, M Guilloux-Viry, ...
ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 53 …, 2006
Electronically switchable dual-band microstrip interdigital bandpass filter for multistandard communication applications
F Mahe, G Tanne, E Rius, C Person, S Toutain, F Biron, L Billonnet, ...
2000 30th European Microwave Conference, 1-4, 2000
Highly tunable microwave stub resonator on ferroelectric KTa0. 5Nb0. 5O3 thin film
Q Simon, Y Corredores, X Castel, R Benzerga, R Sauleau, K Mahdjoubi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (9), 2011
Ferromagnetic composite-based and magnetically-tunable microwave devices
E Salahun, G Tanne, P Queffelec, P Gelin, AL Adenot, O Acher
2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 02CH37278 …, 2002
Influence of substrate on the pulsed laser deposition growth and microwave behaviour of KTa0. 6Nb0. 4O3 potassium tantalate niobate ferroelectric thin films
A Rousseau, V Laur, S Députier, V Bouquet, M Guilloux-Viry, G Tanné, ...
Thin Solid Films 516 (15), 4882-4888, 2008
Application of ferromagnetic composite in different planar tunable microwave devices
E Salahun, G Tanné, P Quéffélec, M Lefloc'h, AL Adenot, O Acher
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 30 (4), 272-276, 2001
Ferroelectric thin films for applications in high frequency range
A Rousseau, M Guilloux-Viry, V Bouquet, A Perrin, G Tanné, F Huret, ...
Ferroelectrics 316 (1), 7-12, 2005
Improvements in losses and size of frequency tunable coplanar filter structures using MMIC negative resistance chips for multistandard mobile communication systems
G Tanné, E Ruis, F Mahé, S Toutain, F Biron, B Jarry, P Guillon
2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 00CH37017 …, 2000
KTN dielectric properties at microwave frequencies: substrate influence
V Laur, G Tanné, P Laurent, A Rousseau, VÉ Bouquet, M Guilloux-Viry, ...
Ferroelectrics 353 (1), 21-28, 2007
Hybrid architecture of a compact, low-cost and gain compensated delay line switchable from 1 m to 250 m for automotive radar target simulator
F Arzur, M Le Roy, A Pérennec, G Tanné, N Bordais
2017 European Radar Conference (EURAD), 239-242, 2017
KTN ferroelectrics‐based microwave tunable phase shifter
LY Zhang, V Laur, A Pothier, Q Simon, P Laurent, N Martin, ...
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 52 (5), 1148-1150, 2010
Tunable microwave components based on Kta1-xNbxO3 ferroelectric material
V Laur, A Rousseau, G Tanné, P Laurent, F Huret, M Guilloux-Viry, ...
European Microwave Conference 1, 641-644, 2005
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Articles 1–20