William Cumming
William Cumming
Cumming Geoscience
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Geothermal resource conceptual models using surface exploration data
W Cumming
Proceedings, 9-11, 2009
Spreadsheets for geothermal water and gas geochemistry
T Powell, W Cumming
Proceedings, 4-6, 2010
Resistivity imaging of geothermal resources using 1D, 2D and 3D MT inversion and TDEM static shift correction illustrated by a Glass Mountain case history
W Cumming, R Mackie
Proceedings world geothermal congress, 25-29, 2010
Stochastic inversion of magnetotelluric data using a sharp boundary parameterization and application to a geothermal site
J Chen, GM Hoversten, K Key, G Nordquist, W Cumming
Geophysics 77 (4), E265-E279, 2012
Apacheta, a new geothermal prospect in northern Chile
L Urzua, T Powell, WB Cumming, P Dobson
Geothermal systems in volcanic arcs: Volcanic characteristics and surface manifestations as indicators of geothermal potential and favorability worldwide
P Stelling, L Shevenell, N Hinz, M Coolbaugh, G Melosh, W Cumming
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 324, 57-72, 2016
Analysis of smectite clays in geothermal drill cuttings by the methylene blue method: for well site geothermometry and resistivity sounding correlation
R Gunderson, W Cumming, D Astra, C Harvey
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, 1175-1181, 2000
Crustal structure from a seismic refraction profile across southern British Columbia
WB Cumming, RM Clowes, RM Ellis
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 16 (5), 1024-1040, 1979
Resource conceptual models of volcano-hosted geothermal reservoirs for exploration well targeting and resource capacity assessment: Construction, pitfalls and challenges
W Cumming
GRC transactions 40, 623-637, 2016
A resource conceptual model for the Ngatamariki geothermal field based on recent exploration well drilling and 3D MT resistivity imaging
C Boseley, W Cumming, L Urzúa-Monsalve, T Powell, M Grant
Proceedings world geothermal congress, 2010
Interpretation of microseismicity at the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, 2008 to 2012
SM Sewell, W Cumming, CJ Bardsley, J Winick, J Quinao, IC Wallis, ...
Interpretation 19, 25, 2015
Resistivity imaging of geothermal resources in northern Kenya rift by joint 1D inversion of MT and TEM data
CM Lichoro, K Árnason, W Cumming
Geothermics 68, 20-32, 2017
Microseismicity at rotokawa geothermal field, New Zealand, 2008–2012
S Sherburn, SM Sewell, S Bourguignon, W Cumming, S Bannister, ...
Geothermics 54, 23-34, 2015
Joint interpretation of gravity and resistivity data from the Northern Kenya volcanic rift zone: Structural and geothermal significance
CM Lichoro, K Árnason, W Cumming
Geothermics 77, 139-150, 2019
Exploration results and resource conceptual model of the Tolhuaca Geothermal Field, Chile
G Melosh, W Cumming, D Benoit, M Wilmarth, A Colvin, J Winick, ...
Proceedings, World Geothermal Congress, 2010
3D MT resistivity imaging for geothermal resource assessment and environmental mitigation at the glass mountain KGRA, California
W Cumming, R Mackie
GRC Transactions 31, 331-334, 2007
Geophysical exploration for geothermal resources: an application for combined MT-TDEM
W Cumming, G Nordquist, D Astra
SEG international exposition and annual meeting, SEG-2000-1071, 2000
Geothermal resource conceptual models using surface exploration data: Proceedings of the 34th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
W Cumming
Twenty-First Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 2009
Geophysics and resource conceptual models in geothermal exploration and development
W Cumming, R Dipippo (editor)
Geothermal Power Generation, 33-75, 2016
Resource capacity estimation using lognormal power density from producing fields and area from resource conceptual models; advantages, pitfalls and remedies
W Cumming
Proceedings, 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 7, 2016
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Articles 1–20