Tanmay Basak
Cited by
Cited by
Microwave food processing—A review
S Chandrasekaran, S Ramanathan, T Basak
Food research international 52 (1), 243-261, 2013
Effects of thermal boundary conditions on natural convection flows within a square cavity
T Basak, S Roy, AR Balakrishnan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (23-24), 4525-4535, 2006
A review on the susceptor assisted microwave processing of materials
M Bhattacharya, T Basak
Energy 97, 306-338, 2016
Natural convection in a square cavity filled with a porous medium: effects of various thermal boundary conditions
T Basak, S Roy, T Paul, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (7-8), 1430-1441, 2006
Microwave material processing—a review
S Chandrasekaran, S Ramanathan, T Basak
AIChE Journal 58 (2), 330-363, 2012
Studies on natural convection within enclosures of various (non-square) shapes–A review
D Das, M Roy, T Basak
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 106, 356-406, 2017
Heatline analysis on natural convection for nanofluids confined within square cavities with various thermal boundary conditions
T Basak, AJ Chamkha
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (21-22), 5526-5543, 2012
Finite element analysis of natural convection flows in a square cavity with non-uniformly heated wall (s)
S Roy, T Basak
International Journal of Engineering Science 43 (8-9), 668-680, 2005
Analysis of mixed convection flows within a square cavity with uniform and non-uniform heating of bottom wall
T Basak, S Roy, PK Sharma, I Pop
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48 (5), 891-912, 2009
Experimental and theoretical investigation on microwave melting of metals
S Chandrasekaran, T Basak, S Ramanathan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (3), 482-487, 2011
Steady natural convection flow in a square cavity filled with a porous medium for linearly heated side wall (s)
M Sathiyamoorthy, T Basak, S Roy, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (9-10), 1892-1901, 2007
Heat flow analysis for natural convection within trapezoidal enclosures based on heatline concept
T Basak, S Roy, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (11-12), 2471-2483, 2009
Steady natural convection flows in a square cavity with linearly heated side wall (s)
M Sathiyamoorthy, T Basak, S Roy, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (3-4), 766-775, 2007
Analysis of microwave sintering of ceramics
A Chatterjee, T Basak, KG Ayappa
AIChE Journal 44 (10), 2302-2311, 1998
Natural convection flows in a trapezoidal enclosure with uniform and non-uniform heating of bottom wall
E Natarajan, T Basak, S Roy
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (3-4), 747-756, 2008
Role of ‘Bejan’s heatlines’ in heat flow visualization and optimal thermal mixing for differentially heated square enclosures
T Basak, S Roy
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (13-14), 3486-3503, 2008
Microwave heating characteristics of graphite based powder mixtures
S Chandrasekaran, T Basak, R Srinivasan
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 48, 22-27, 2013
Analysis of mixed convection in a lid-driven porous square cavity with linearly heated side wall (s)
T Basak, S Roy, SK Singh, I Pop
International journal of heat and mass transfer 53 (9-10), 1819-1840, 2010
Finite element analysis of natural convection in a triangular enclosure: effects of various thermal boundary conditions
T Basak, S Roy, C Thirumalesha
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (9), 2623-2640, 2007
Analysis of mixed convection flows within a square cavity with linearly heated side wall (s)
T Basak, S Roy, PK Sharma, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (9-10), 2224-2242, 2009
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Articles 1–20