Halis Simsek
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Cited by
Olive oil mill wastewater treatment by means of electro-coagulation
MK Hatice Inan, Anatoly Dimoglo, Halis Simsek
Separation and Purification Technology 36, 23-31, 2004
Developments and application of chitosan-based adsorbents for wastewater treatments
P Bhatt, S Joshi, G Bayram, P Khati, H Simsek
Environmental Research, 115530, 2023
Growth regime and environmental remediation of microalgae
AM Hammed, SK Prajapati, S Simsek, H Simsek
Algae 31 (3), 189-204, 2016
Bioavailable and biodegradable dissolved organic nitrogen in activated sludge and trickling filter wastewater treatment plants
H Simsek, M Kasi, JB Ohm, M Blonigen, E Khan
Water Research 47 (9), 3201-3210, 2013
Microalgae-based removal of pollutants from wastewaters: Occurrence, toxicity and circular economy
P Bhatt, G Bhandari, K Bhatt, H Simsek
Chemosphere 306, 135576, 2022
Algae in wastewater treatment, mechanism, and application of biomass for production of value-added product
P Bhatt, G Bhandari, RF Turco, Z Aminikhoei, K Bhatt, H Simsek
Environmental Pollution 309, 119688, 2022
Treatment of canola-oil refinery effluent using electrochemical methods: A comparison between combined electrocoagulation+ electrooxidation and electrochemical peroxidation methods
S Sharma, H Simsek
Chemosphere 221, 630-639, 2019
Current trends and prospects in microalgae-based bioenergy production
S Bhushan, A Kalra, H Simsek, G Kumar, SK Prajapati
J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 8 (5), 104025, 2020
Sugar beet industry process wastewater treatment using electrochemical methods and optimization of parameters using response surface methodology
S Sharma, H Simsek
Chemosphere 238, 124669, 2020
Fate of dissolved organic nitrogen in two stage trickling filter process
H Simsek, M Kasi, T Wadhawan, C Bye, M Blonigen, E Khan
Water Research 46 (16), 5115-5126, 2012
Biological pretreatment for algal biomass feedstock for biofuel production
S Bhushan, U Jayakrishnan, B Shree, P Bhatt, S Eshkabilov, H Simsek
Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (3), 109870, 2023
Hyperspectral imaging techniques for rapid detection of nutrient content of hydroponically grown lettuce cultivars
S Eshkabilov, A Lee, X Sun, CW Lee, H Simsek*
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 181, 2021
Electrochemical treatment of sunflower oil refinery wastewater and optimization of the parameters using response surface methodology
S Swati, A Ahmet, S Halis
Chemosphere, 126511, 2020
Impact of solids retention time on dissolved organic nitrogen and its biodegradability in treated wastewater
H Simsek, M Kasi, JB Ohm, S Murthy, E Khan
Water Research 92, 44-51, 2016
Comprehensive understanding of electrochemical treatment systems combined with biological processes for wastewater remediation
E Yakamercan, P Bhatt, A Aygun, AW Adesope, H Simsek
Environmental Pollution 330, 121680, 2023
Enzymatic pretreatment of algal biomass has different optimal conditions for biogas and bioethanol routes
S Bhushan, MS Rana, M Bhandari, AK Sharma, H Simsek, SK Prajapati
Chemosphere 284, 131264, 2021
Multilayer perceptron neural network approach to estimate chlorophyll concentration index of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
MS Odabas, H Simsek, CW Lee, İ İseri
Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 48 (2), 162-169, 2017
Bioavailability of wastewater derived dissolved organic nitrogen to green microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Chlorella vulgaris with/without …
J Sun, H Simsek
Journal of Environmental Sciences 57, 346-355, 2017
Quantifying impact of droughts on barley yield in North Dakota, USA using multiple linear regression and artificial neural network
MS Odabas, N Leelaruban, H Simsek, G Padmanabhan
Neural Network World 24 (4), 343, 2014
Bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in wastewaters from animal feedlots and storage lagoons
J Sun, E Khan, S Simsek, JB Ohm, H Simsek
Chemosphere 186, 695-701, 2017
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Articles 1–20