Sandro Krauss
Sandro Krauss
Institute of Geodesy, Graz University of Technology
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The new combined satellite only model GOCO03s
T Mayer-Gürr, D Rieser, E Hoeck, J Brockmann
GGHS2012, Venice, 2012
GOCO06s–a satellite-only global gravity field model
A Kvas, JM Brockmann, S Krauss, T Schubert, T Gruber, U Meyer, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-31, 2020
The combined satellite-only global gravity field model GOCO02S
H Goiginger, E Hoeck, D Rieser, T Mayer-Guerr, A Maier, S Krauss, R Pail, ...
Geophys. Res. Abstr 13, 571, 2011
Aeronomical evidence for higher CO2 levels during Earth’s Hadean epoch
HIM Lichtenegger, H Lammer, JM Grießmeier, YN Kulikov, P von Paris, ...
Icarus 210 (1), 1-7, 2010
Variability of solar/stellar activity and magnetic field and its influence on planetary atmosphere evolution
H Lammer, M Güdel, Y Kulikov, I Ribas, TV Zaqarashvili, ...
Earth, planets and space 64, 179-199, 2012
Surface kinematics in the Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaric and Balkan region inferred from a new multi-network GPS combination solution
A Caporali, C Aichhorn, M Barlik, M Becker, I Fejes, L Gerhatova, ...
Tectonophysics 474 (1-2), 295-321, 2009
The satellite-only gravity field model GOCO06s
A Kvas, T Mayer-Gürr, S Krauss, JM Brockmann, T Schubert, WD Schuh, ...
EGU General Assembly 2019: EGU 2019, 2019
Decrease of the electric field penetration into the ionosphere due to low conductivity at the near ground atmospheric layer
M Ampferer, VV Denisenko, W Hausleitner, S Krauss, G Stangl, ...
Annales Geophysicae 28 (3), 779-787, 2010
GRACE follow‐on accelerometer data recovery
S Behzadpour, T Mayer‐Gürr, S Krauss
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (5), e2020JB021297, 2021
GROOPS: A software toolkit for gravity field recovery and GNSS processing
T Mayer-Gürr, S Behzadpour, A Eicker, M Ellmer, B Koch, S Krauss, ...
Computers & geosciences 155, 104864, 2021
Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data
J Teixeira da Encarnação, P Visser, D Arnold, A Bezdek, E Doornbos, ...
Earth System Science Data 12 (2), 1385-1417, 2020
Comparison of GOCE-GPS gravity fields derived by different approaches
O Baur, H Bock, E Höck, A Jäggi, S Krauss, T Mayer-Gürr, T Reubelt, ...
Journal of Geodesy 88, 959-973, 2014
Geokinematics of Central Europe: new insights from the CERGOP-2/Environment Project
A Caporali, C Aichhorn, M Becker, I Fejes, L Gerhatova, D Ghitau, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 45 (4-5), 246-256, 2008
Thermospheric and geomagnetic responses to interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed by ACE and GRACE: Statistical results
S Krauss, M Temmer, A Veronig, O Baur, H Lammer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (10), 8848-8860, 2015
Contribution of satellite laser ranging to combined gravity field models
A Maier, S Krauss, W Hausleitner, O Baur
Advances in space research 49 (3), 556-565, 2012
Investigation of TEC and VLF space measurements associated to L'Aquila (Italy) earthquakes
G Stangl, MY Boudjada, PF Biagi, S Krauss, A Maier, K Schwingenschuh, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (4), 1019-1024, 2011
Exploring thermospheric variations triggered by severe geomagnetic storm on 26 August 2018 using GRACE Follow‐On data
S Krauß, S Behzadpour, M Temmer, C Lhotka
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (5), e2019JA027731, 2020
Multiple satellite analysis of the Earth's thermosphere and interplanetary magnetic field variations due to ICME/CIR events during 2003–2015
S Krauss, M Temmer, S Vennerstrom
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (10), 8884-8894, 2018
Solar flares as proxy for the young Sun: Satellite observed thermosphere response to an X17. 2 flare of Earth's upper atmosphere
S Krauss, B Fichtinger, H Lammer, W Hausleitner, YN Kulikov, I Ribas, ...
Annales Geophysicae 30 (8), 1129-1141, 2012
Improved precise kinematic LEO orbits based on the raw observation approach
B Suesser-Rechberger, S Krauss, S Strasser, T Mayer-Guerr
Advances in Space Research 69 (10), 3559-3570, 2022
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Articles 1–20