Hans-Gerhard Gross
Hans-Gerhard Gross
Professor of Information Technology, Esslingen University
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Component-based software testing with UML
HG Gross
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Web API growing pains: Stories from client developers and their code
T Espinha, A Zaidman, HG Gross
2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance …, 2014
Web API growing pains: Loosely coupled yet strongly tied
T Espinha, A Zaidman, HG Gross
Journal of Systems and Software 100, 27-43, 2015
Prioritizing tests for software fault localization
A Gonzalez-Sanchez, E Piel, HG Gross, AJC van Gemund
2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software, 42-51, 2010
Prioritizing Tests for Fault Localization through Ambiguity Group Reduction
A Gonzalez-Sanchez, R Abreu, HG Gross, AJC van Gemund
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Automated Software …, 2011
A model for the measurement of the runtime testability of component-based systems
A González, E Piel, HG Gross
2009 International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and …, 2009
Applying a model-based approach for embedded system development
C Bunse, HG Gross, C Peper
33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications …, 2007
Built-in contract testing in model-driven, component-based development
C Atkinson, HG Groß
ICSR Workshop on Component-Based Development Processes, 2002
A genetic programming approach to automated test generation for object-oriented software
A Seesing, HG Gross
International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications 2 (1), 127-134, 2006
An industrial case study in reconstructing requirements views
M Lormans, A van Deursen, HG Gross
Empirical Software Engineering 13, 727-760, 2008
Prioritizing tests for software fault diagnosis
A Gonzalez‐Sanchez, É Piel, R Abreu, HG Gross, AJC Van Gemund
Software: Practice and Experience 41 (10), 1105-1129, 2011
Evaluation of online testing for services: a case study
M Greiler, HG Gross, A van Deursen
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering …, 2010
Spectrum-based sequential diagnosis
A Gonzalez-Sanchez, R Abreu, HG Gross, AJC van Gemund
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 189-196, 2011
Structural performance measure of evolutionary testing applied to worst-case timing of real-time systems
HG Gross, BF Jones, DE Eyres
IEE Proceedings-Software 147 (2), 25-30, 2000
Measuring evolutionary testability of real-time software
HG Gross
PQDT-Global, 2000
Component-based software development for embedded systems: an overview of current research trends
C Atkinson
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
A prediction system for evolutionary testability applied to dynamic execution time analysis
HG Groß
Information and Software Technology 43 (14), 855-862, 2001
Establishing evidence for safety cases in automotive systems–A case study
W Ridderhof, HG Gross, H Doerr
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 1-13, 2007
An evaluation of dynamic, optimisation-based worst-case execution time analysis
HG Gross
Dead code elimination for web systems written in PHP: Lessons learned from an industry case
H Boomsma, BV Hostnet, HG Gross
2012 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 511-515, 2012
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Articles 1–20