Mahdi (Matt) Ramezanian
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Cited by
Investigating effects of thermal shock technique on unconventional reservoir rock mechanical properties
K Elwegaa, H Emadi, M Ramezanian
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2019-0344, 2019
Investigating effects of temperature and confining pressure on dynamic elastic properties and permeability—An experimental study
M Ramezanian, H Emadi
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 22, 100179, 2020
An experimental study to investigate the effects of temperature and confining pressure on unconventional rock mechanical properties
M Ramezanian, H Emadi, K Elwegaa
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2019-1545, 2019
Effect of Thermal Shock Treatments on Permeability and Dynamic Elastic Properties of Wolfcamp Formation-An Experimental Study
F Altawati, M Ramezanian, R Khalil, H Emadi
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2020-1303, 2020
Evaluating pressure and temperature effects on permeability and elastic properties of Wolfcamp formation–an experimental study
R Khalil, M Ramezanian, F Altawati, H Emadi
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2020-1145, 2020
The Effect of Proppant Ramping in Hydraulic Fracturing for High-Permeable Oil and Low-Permeable Gas Zones
F Altawati, M Ramezanian, H Saoyleh, M Soliman, H Emadi
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2020-1055, 2020
Gravel-Packing experiments with oil-swelling rubber particles
M Ramezanian, H Emadi, H Wang
SPE Drilling & Completion 35 (02), 252-261, 2020
A modified design for gravel packing with expandable rubber beads
M Ramezanian, H Emadi, H Wang
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D021S002R003, 2019
Effect of cryogenic treatment thermal shock on rock dynamic elastic properties and permeability of wolfcamp core samples–An experimental study
M Ramezanian, H Emadi
SPE Western Regional Meeting, D011S001R004, 2021
An experimental study to investigate the effect of temperature and pressure on a modified design of gravel packing with oil swelling rubber particles and unconventional rock …
M Ramezanian
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Articles 1–10