Dr. Sikandar Ali Qalati
Dr. Sikandar Ali Qalati
Associate Professor
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Effects of perceived service quality, website quality, and reputation on purchase intention: The mediating and moderating roles of trust and perceived risk in online shopping
SA Qalati, EG Vela, W Li, SA Dakhan, TT Hong Thuy, SH Merani
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1869363, 2021
Purchase intention toward organic food among young consumers using theory of planned behavior: role of environmental concerns and environmental awareness
N Ahmed, C Li, A Khan, SA Qalati, S Naz, F Rana
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 64 (5), 796-822, 2021
A mediated model on the adoption of social media and SMEs’ performance in developing countries
SA Qalati, LW Yuan, MAS Khan, F Anwar
Technology in Society 64, 101513, 2021
The impact of transformational leadership on employee retention: mediation and moderation through organizational citizenship behavior and communication
H Tian, S Iqbal, S Akhtar, SA Qalati, F Anwar, MAS Khan
Frontiers in psychology 11, 314, 2020
Effects of social media use on psychological well-being: a mediated model
D Ostic, SA Qalati, B Barbosa, SMM Shah, E Galvan Vela, AM Herzallah, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 678766, 2021
Employee performance under transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A mediated model
SA Qalati, Z Zafar, M Fan, MLS Limón, MB Khaskheli
Heliyon 8 (11), 2022
Examining the factors affecting SME performance: the mediating role of social media adoption
S Ali Qalati, W Li, N Ahmed, M Ali Mirani, A Khan
Sustainability 13 (1), 75, 2020
Role of business incubators as a tool for entrepreneurship development: the mediating and moderating role of business start-up and government regulations
C Li, N Ahmed, SA Qalati, A Khan, S Naz
Sustainability 12 (5), 1822, 2020
Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on social media adoption and SME performance: The moderating role of innovation capabilities
M Fan, SA Qalati, MAS Khan, SMM Shah, M Ramzan, RS Khan
PloS one 16 (4), e0247320, 2021
Social media and SMEs’ performance in developing countries: Effects of technological-organizational-environmental factors on the adoption of social media
SA Qalati, D Ostic, MABA Sulaiman, AA Gopang, A Khan
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221094594, 2022
Effects of entrepreneurial orientation, social media, and innovation capabilities on SME performance in emerging countries: a mediated–moderated model
GG Fang, SA Qalati, D Ostic, SMM Shah, MA Mirani
Technology analysis & strategic management 34 (11), 1326-1338, 2022
Examining the factors affecting sme performance: the mediating role of social media adoption
SA Qalati, W Li, N Ahmed, MA Mirani, A Khan
Sustainability 13 (1), 1-24, 2020
Impact of supervisory behavior on sustainable employee performance: Mediation of conflict management strategies using PLS-SEM
J Min, S Iqbal, MAS Khan, S Akhtar, F Anwar, SA Qalati
PloS one 15 (9), e0236650, 2020
Effects of information overload, communication overload, and inequality on digital distrust: A cyber-violence behavior mechanism
M Fan, Y Huang, SA Qalati, SMM Shah, D Ostic, Z Pu
Frontiers in psychology 12, 643981, 2021
Impact of price on customer satisfaction: Mediating role of consumer buying behaviour in telecom sector
LW Yuan, S Iqbal, RY Hussain, S Ali
International Journal of Research 6 (04), 2019
A mediated–moderated model for social media adoption and small and medium‐sized enterprise performance in emerging countries
SA Qalati, D Ostic, G Shuibin, F Mingyue
Managerial and Decision Economics 43 (3), 846-861, 2022
An extension of the theory of planned behavior to understand factors influencing Pakistani households’ energy-saving intentions and behavior: a mediated–moderated model
SA Qalati, NA Qureshi, D Ostic, MABA Sulaiman
Energy Efficiency 15 (6), 40, 2022
Effects of technological, organizational, and environmental factors on social media adoption
Q Sikandar Ali
Innocent devils: The varying impacts of trade, renewable energy and financial development on environmental damage: Nonlinearly exploring the disparity between developed and …
SA Qalati, S Kumari, K Tajeddini, NK Bajaj, R Ali
Journal of Cleaner Production 386, 135729, 2023
Social entrepreneurship orientation and enterprise fortune: An intermediary role of social performance
Z Zafar, L Wenyuan, MA Bait Ali Sulaiman, KA Siddiqui, SA Qalati
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 755080, 2022
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Articles 1–20