Sven Eckart
Sven Eckart
Research associate, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
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A comprehensive kinetic model for dimethyl ether and dimethoxymethane oxidation and NOx interaction utilizing experimental laminar flame speed measurements at elevated pressure …
KP Shrestha, S Eckart, AM Elbaz, BR Giri, C Fritsche, L Seidel, ...
Combustion and Flame 218, 57-74, 2020
Laminar burning velocities, CO, and NOx emissions of premixed polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether flames
S Eckart, L Cai, C Fritsche, F vom Lehn, H Pitsch, H Krause
Fuel 293, 120321, 2021
Experimental study and proposed power correlation for laminar burning velocity of hydrogen-diluted methane with respect to pressure and temperature variation
S Eckart, L Pizzuti, C Fritsche, H Krause
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (9), 6334-6348, 2022
Experimental and numerical investigations on extinction strain rates in non-premixed counterflow methane and propane flames in an oxygen reduced environment
S Eckart, C Yu, U Maas, H Krause
Fuel 298, 120781, 2021
Application and comparison of multiple machine learning techniques for the calculation of laminar burning velocity for hydrogen-methane mixtures
S Eckart, R Prieler, C Hochenauer, H Krause
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 32, 101306, 2022
Laminar burning velocities of low calorific and hydrogen containing fuel blends
S Eckart, C Penke, S Voss, H Krause
Energy Procedia 120, 149-156, 2017
A comprehensive kinetic modeling of oxymethylene ethers (OMEn, n= 1–3) oxidation-laminar flame speed and ignition delay time measurements
KP Shrestha, S Eckart, S Drost, C Fritsche, R Schießl, L Seidel, U Maas, ...
Combustion and Flame 246, 112426, 2022
Insight into fuel isomeric effects on laminar flame propagation of pentanones
W Li, B Mei, Y Li, S Eckart, H Krause, S Ma, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2135-2142, 2021
Determining the laminar burning velocity of nitrogen diluted dimethoxymethane (OME1) using the heat‐flux burner method: Numerical and experimental …
S Eckart, C Fritsche, C Krasselt, H Krause
International Journal of Energy Research 45 (2), 2824-2836, 2021
High-temperature materials for complex components in ammonia/hydrogen gas turbines: a critical review
M Alnaeli, M Alnajideen, R Navaratne, H Shi, P Czyzewski, P Wang, ...
Energies 16 (19), 6973, 2023
Experimental investigation of ethanol oxidation and development of a reduced reaction mechanism for a wide temperature range
S Drost, D Kaczmarek, S Eckart, J Herzler, R Schießl, C Fritsche, M Fikri, ...
Energy & Fuels 35 (18), 14780-14792, 2021
Effect of the variation of oxygen concentration on the laminar burning velocities of hydrogen-enriched methane flames
S Eckart, IG Zsély, H Krause, T Turányi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49, 533-546, 2024
Combined experimental and numerical study on the extinction limits of non-premixed H2/CH4 counterflow flames with varying oxidizer composition
S Eckart, FZ Rong, C Hasse, H Krause, A Scholtissek
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (37), 14068-14078, 2023
Ammonia combustion and emissions in practical applications: a review
M Alnajideen, H Shi, W Northrop, D Emberson, S Kane, P Czyzewski, ...
Carbon Neutrality 3 (1), 1-45, 2024
Investigation of spark ignition processes of laminar strained premixed stoichiometric NH3-H2-air flames
C Yu, S Eckart, S Essmann, D Markus, A Valera-Medina, R Schießl, B Shu, ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 83, 105043, 2023
A brief comparative study of the potentialities and limitations of machine-learning algorithms and statistical techniques
L Eckart, S Eckart, M Enke
E3S Web of Conferences 266, 02001, 2021
Machine learning techniques to predict the flame state, temperature and species concentrations in counter-flow diffusion flames operated with CH4/CO/H2-air mixtures
R Prieler, M Moser, S Eckart, H Krause, C Hochenauer
Fuel 326, 124915, 2022
Laminar burning velocity, emissions, and flame structure of dimethyl ether-hydrogen air mixtures
S Eckart, S Benaissa, RA Alsulami, KA Juhany, H Krause, A Mohammad
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (91), 35771-35785, 2023
Experimental study on hydrogen-enriched natural gas jet fire hazards: Assessment of the flame geometrical parameters
L Liu, Z Luo, S Eckart, H Krause, Y Zhang, L Liu, F Zhang
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 68, 1209-1218, 2024
Experimental and numerical assessment of the effects of hydrogen admixtures on premixed methane-oxygen flames
A Hasche, A Navid, H Krause, S Eckart
Fuel 352, 128964, 2023
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Articles 1–20